JARRETT: Sessions and Rosenstein Need to Leave DOJ After Midterms – IOTW Report

JARRETT: Sessions and Rosenstein Need to Leave DOJ After Midterms

Sara Carter: Just weeks before Americans head to the polls to decide the direction of the country, all eyes turn to the political futures of senior DOJ officials Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein; with many inside the GOP and the media calling for their resignations after the high-stakes midterm election.

Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett is leading the charge; publishing an opinion piece demanding the senior Trump aides “leave their top jobs” this fall.

“Fortunately for our country, Attorney General Jeff Sessions doesn’t have much more time left in his job. Once the Nov. 6 midterm elections are over, President Trump is widely expected to belatedly accept the letter of resignation tendered by Sessions in May 2017,” writes Jarrett. MORE HERE

7 Comments on JARRETT: Sessions and Rosenstein Need to Leave DOJ After Midterms

  1. Oh…that Jarrett. I was trying to Vizzini what the hell ValJar was up to.

    Yes, time to clean house. It’s not like the Deepers and the Media could be any more venomous and angry. Let them have their Saturday Night Massacre chew toy when the Dems fail to take the House and lose even more of the Senate.

    And Wray had better straighten up and fly right if he knows what’s good for him.

  2. it is allegedly Rosenstein who gave his resignation (who i feel is being used by Trump to bring the rest of them down). over 55,000 sealed federal indictments is not Sessions doing nothing. mark my words- Utah and Huber. Sessions appointed Huber in Utah. death by firing squad in that state. just saying.


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