Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man – IOTW Report

Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man


By Monica Showalter

No, I hadn’t see this news item late last week, about George Bush suddenly not “owing” another president his “silence,” in his string of lip-curling insults directed at President Trump.  Guess I don’t view him as worth watching much.  But sure enough, he had plenty of hateful things to say about President Trump for the left-wing media, and he’s the smaller for it.

Here were his three worst whoppers, as cited by Business Insider:

In an interview with the Texas Tribune’s Evan Smith, Bush described how watching the January 6 attack “really disturbed” him, both then and now.

“I was sick to my stomach … to see our nation’s Capitol being stormed by hostile forces,” he said.

“And it really disturbed me to the point where I did put out a statement, and I’m still disturbed when I think about it. It undermines rule of law, the ability to express yourself in peaceful ways in a public square. This was an expression that was not peaceful.”

Bush has kept a relatively low political profile since leaving office, becoming known for taking up painting. But following the attack on the Capitol, he issued a statement saying he was “appalled” by the behavior of some political leaders — an apparent reference to Trump. He also compared the rioters’ tactics to those of a “banana republic.”

And this:

In his Texas Tribune interview, portions of which were later aired by CNN, he gave a blunt no to the question of whether he thought the election was stolen from Trump.

And finally, this revolting glurge:

But Bush said he was “optimistic” about democracy, and that the current “anger in the system” may “eventually work its way out of the system.”

“The history of the United States has shown these populist movements begin to fritter over time,” he said.

So now Bush is freely taking potshots against President Trump, something he only occasionally did when Trump was president and something he never did against President Obama, who did more to destroy the institutions of the U.S. and wokester-fy the U.S. military and Justice department than anyone.  Maybe he’s trying to suck up to Joe Biden, an old acquaintance, and now trying to get his licks in.  Maybe he’s just still seething, and it’s boiling over.

Bush has never liked President Trump.

Unlike Obama, Trump made Bush’s own record as president look awful in comparison. read more

h/t NAAC

41 Comments on Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man

  1. After you explain what America got in YOUR wars that was worth killing and maiming so many of our Finest and for the TRILLIONS of dollars spent you can bite me, W.

    You sucked so bad that you made oBozo possible.

    Not sure which one of you was in fact worse.

  2. I did not vote for this lib in ‘oo because 22 years ago he was a bitter, closed minded, little man. 20 years later my wisdom has been proved!
    Just think 54 years ago I was picking cherries, prunes, beans … in what today is Silly Valley.

  3. One of my criticisms of Rush…he really sold his listening audience on Bush and Rove. I voted for Bush’s 2nd term based on Rush’s inside knowledge on what a smart, decent patriot Bush was and what a incredible political mind Karl Rove possesses. Totally steered me wrong…

  4. A lot of us were taken in by W Bush.
    In his second term was when he showed his globalism beliefs.
    When his little bro Jebby lost we really saw the claws come out.
    How dare Trump, a total outsider, not of the chosen few, win!

    Both George and Laura are phonies.
    They kept silent the entire time Obama was bringing communism into the country.

    They are close friends with Bill and Hillary.
    They had them up to Walker’s Point for the weekend before the installation of Obama’s puppet.
    I would have liked to be a fly on that wall.

  5. W could get ONE campaign crowd as big as any of Trump’s crowds

    even if he paid them with all the money the Bushies and Clintons stole from the American people

  6. This fool didn’t have the balls to defend himself from the attacks from the left when he was president and later to tell the Kenyan to F off when he was blamed for Obama’s failures.
    Apparently, it’s true that he’s not very smart.
    Oh, but at least he’s loyal to his widdle boy Jebby who Trump wiped the floor with. lol

  7. George Bush 1 met with Iranians in secret to have the hostages held until the elections were over so Reagan had better chance to defeat Carter. He should of been tried for treason as well as Reagan not that Carter was any good but to use suffering Americans for your own political gains is disgusting. Trump was a far better President than Reagan.

  8. “The history of the United States has shown these populist movements begin to fritter over time,” he said.

    The American experiment in self-government is the biggest populist movement in the history of the world. It took on the elitists and won and built a free America.

    In the end W has very little upstairs.

  9. Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man

    Well the mean little bastard of dead, he means nothing now – actually never did mean anything to me. He’s a backstabber and the picture of him with the helluns says it all. All of them are not too far behind the bastard. Out of sight out of minnd.

  10. #2 fixed

    Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man

    Well the mean little bastard is dead, he means nothing now – actually never did mean anything to me. He’s a backstabber and the picture of him with the helluns says it all. All of them are not too far behind the bastard. Out of sight out of mind.

  11. “The history of the United States has shown these populist movements begin to fritter over time,” (sic) said.

    Obviously doesn’t know this countries history. He should read “Red Dawn at Lexington”… seems there was a little populist movement in the 1770’s that kinda of caught on.

  12. I really used to admire this man. Thought he was a good President and thought history would be kind to him. I now realize I believed these things until Donald Trump came along because all we had to compare him to were Democrats and RINOS. What a huge disappointment he turned out to be. He and his family epitomize the swamp.

  13. If it was not for 9-11 he would have been a forgettable fart in a bathtub.
    But Clinton running from a Stained Dress created the Blow Back that ultimately united the USA behind this Jackass who wasted one of the few times in history that most of the world sympathized with the USA.
    He found an excuse to return to Iraq (his father did not quite finish the job) when every indication was that AFGHANISTAN & PAKISTAN and IRAN and elements within Saudi Arabia were entirely at fault.


  14. Love Trump or not, you have to admit that dude was the light switch that showed all of us the greasy fat roaches of DC and elsewhere.

    Even the Dem roaches turned on themselves. lol

  15. @KCir
    Mohammedans had nothing to do with 9-11.
    Those buildings fell at the speed of gravity(zero resistance from load-bearing structure!) into their own footprints and were turned into dust; an impossibility.
    In fact, building eleven wasn’t even hit by a plane and also fell into its own footprint at the speed of gravity.

    These scumbags conned you conservative patriots into fighting their NWO wars.

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