Jean-Guy Crashes Climate Strike – IOTW Report

Jean-Guy Crashes Climate Strike

Jean-Guy crashed the local climate strike to learn about climate change. Everyone was very helpful.

See the video at Louder with Crowder

10 Comments on Jean-Guy Crashes Climate Strike

  1. The fake Indian being interviewed must be related to Princess Fauxahauntas. And he/she (I can’t tell which) is even more of a fake Indian than Iron Eyes Cody was. It looks like a squaw to me because of the slight rise in its chest. Maybe it’s also because it’s 3:15 AM as I’m typing this and I’m still half asleep.

  2. What exactly is a “climate strike”?
    Are they striking “against” the climate? Or are they striking
    “for” the climate? Either way it makes no sense because their action has no effect on the climate.
    Climate simply is.

  3. Eric Hoffer was probably one of the most common man/common sense philosophers of the last century. I read his works quite a while ago back in the late 70’s and early 80’s and they helped change how I view things politically and culturally. It might be time to reread them again. Wendell Berry is another one of whose books are very good as well.

  4. How about conservatives holding “climate change” gatherings where the goal is to change the climate. We could have big smokey barbecues, truck races, shooting events, etc. That would give heart attacks to liberals everywhere. (Problem solved.)

  5. Now that was funny! Crowder got really good responses by being a fake “victim”. Making them explain themselves even harder because he acted like he didn’t get it. That is more effective I think. More interviewers should try it.


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