Jeb! begs for applause at NH campaign stop – IOTW Report

Jeb! begs for applause at NH campaign stop

jeb bush please clap video

NYP: The political landscape has offered up more than its share of awkward moments over the years. We covered our kids’ eyes when Al Gore rounded second base with Tipper in 2000. We cringed when George W. Bush groped an unamused Angela Merkel in 2006. And we felt better about our own dance skills when Karl “MC” Rove brought down the house with his rap back in 2007.

Now we just want to hold Jeb Bush and tell him everything will be OK.

23 Comments on Jeb! begs for applause at NH campaign stop

  1. “Now we just want to hold Jeb Bush and tell him everything will be OK.”

    The hell we do! NoNoNoNo, we want to slap him upside the head and tell him to go home! Nothing will be OK if he keeps yapping.

  2. It is beyond hilarious that Karl Rove is choking on his own Yebbie sandwich now….they both should awaken to that fact that we do not want anything they offer, we do not want them around, in fact we want them gone forever…..GET OUT and stay out of the spotlight, big losers!!

  3. “I’m not blowharding”. —- Actually Yeb!, you are.

    Look in the mirror, America judges you to be a spineless RINO that would lose another election. Been there done that. At least you didn’t rehash “kinder, gentler” world–it was on the tip of your tongue.

    Next !

  4. I guess Momma Babs is going to have to take a brickbat to his crossed eyes to get any sense knocked into that skull of his… you can’t be elected as a dogcatcher in Cuban Miami, Yebbie… so just go home already, and live off mommy and daddy….

  5. Yeb! You’re a multimillionaire. Go home, dude. Have sex with the hired help, crank up a bogus foundation or two to suck money out of. Pimp yer’ ass for speaking fees.

    We want the Bush and Clinton Royals to just go the fuck away.

  6. GW playing poker with his pals in his man cave down in Texas…

    “So… (snicker) I tell Jeb, ‘Just stick it out until the end man. If you can last to the convention, we’ll work out a plan to get you the nomination on a rigged convention… And he believed me!… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaaa!!!… I always loved playing pranks on that kid!…”

    (Boisterous guffaws all around ensue…)

  7. Hey Yebby, you said you weren’t planning to get nominated with help from the base of the party and you were dead right! But don’t despair, you still have those 450+ superdelegates in your column (That is unless Ole Ocho Rubio has cut a deal with your ex best buddies the GOPe and their crony capitalists)!

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