Jeb Bush refuses to say if he’d get rid of Obama’s Iran deal – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush refuses to say if he’d get rid of Obama’s Iran deal

Instead, Jeb Bush said he would ‘look into it.’

jeb jeb

29 Comments on Jeb Bush refuses to say if he’d get rid of Obama’s Iran deal

  1. Trump had the right answer and that is it’s kinda skitzo for a country to be making treaties and then canceling them-he said he’s enforce that fucker to a T and if there was the slightest variance from what they must comply with, there’d be serious consequences.

    And I don’t think he meant the mullahs couldn’t play a round at one of his resorts.

  2. Wondering how often both his eyes actually focus on one object? Explains a lot, fookin retard…His pappy is Karl Rove…that’s why Rove is so adamant about Yebby being on the ticket.

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