Jeb Bush SuperPAC has squandered $50 Million to remind you that ‘he’s here’ – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush SuperPAC has squandered $50 Million to remind you that ‘he’s here’

jeb people's cube

CFP: Back before Jeb Bush officially announced his candidacy, I argued that – fairly or unfairly – his candidacy was doomed by his last name. He could be the greatest, most conservative, candidate in history, or he could be a RINO squish, and it wouldn’t change a thing. The country simply isn’t interested in putting another Bush in the White House.

super bush and lil jeb

The flip side of that argument was this: The name that doomed him also guaranteed that he and his supporters would have a mountain of cash on hand. The Bush family is, for obvious reasons, incredibly well-connected. Favors are owed and friends have deep pockets. Jeb started the election season with a huge personal haul and a massive, well-heeled, Super PAC.

10 Comments on Jeb Bush SuperPAC has squandered $50 Million to remind you that ‘he’s here’

  1. All this does is remind me of how we got Doled, McCained and Romneyed up the ass by people who squandered both of their 2012 and 2014 majorities by doing absolutely NOTHING with it!
    Guess whut… there’s no more room left and the rectum hurts! Time to take Jeb and shove him up yer ass for a change!

  2. Since the start of the recent Tea Party the GOP establishment has been rattled. They requested demands, in the form of needed majorities, which we gave them. They made promises, in which we believed them, that they broke with sneaky votes. Now they aren’t even hiding anymore by trashing any non-establishment candidates. Now they are losing tens of millions of dollars in a Karl Rove like fashion. Maybe, just maybe, this loss will get them to crack open at least one eye, but I wouldn’t bet on it. I love watching them spend money, because for every dollar they spend and lose we win.

  3. Their eyes won’t “see” what is going on even if you pried them open with a pry bar and doused them with visine. They think we are gullible. They have earned their path of going the way of the dinosaur and dodo. I say spend yourselves into oblivion – no amount of money is going to resurrect zomjeb into something is not nor ever has been which is a man by the people for the people.

  4. The Mensheviks don’t GAF what the plebeians think or want or for whom they’ll vote. They will engineer a CHEB! nomination, or a Rubio (CHEB! JR), at the very least.

    “Why should we determine the future of Socialism by counting your snotty noses? You will love the Third Empire and the New Order, or you will die. Choose.”
    (paraphrasing the socialist mindset, both D and R)

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