Jeb Bush supports making Puerto Rico the 51st state – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush supports making Puerto Rico the 51st state

jeb vanilla obama

Support for Puerto Rico Statehood Bad for Jeb’s Iowa Prospects.

Jeb Bush supports making Puerto Rico the 51st state.  Several months back Jeb actually visited the island to proclaim his support for statehood, see here.

Jeb thinks campaigning for Puerto Rican statehood is going to help him with the Hispanic Vote.  That’s questionable, but it’s even more  questionable that it’s going to help Jeb in Iowa. MORE

18 Comments on Jeb Bush supports making Puerto Rico the 51st state

  1. Yup, going bankrupt getting tons of free shit is a perfect example of what a professional politician thinks qualifies a territory to become a state…It’s the same attitude about letting welfare cases just walk into the country and putting them on the public teat and that qualifies them to be voters.

    ¡Way to go Yeb!

  2. Hey! I’m OFFENDED! I’m gonna sic the Justice Dept on you for your bigoted use of the word VANILLA. (-;

    Vanilla is a lovely, rich flavor and I’m tired of people using it in a denigrating fashion implying it is somehow “plain” or boring.

    Anyhow, Jebbie isn’t vanilla. He’s TOFU!

    And as for Puerto Rico, I have nothing against them except their govt is trying to suck dollars out of my pocket. I say just cut ’em loose and say Hasta la Vista, Bebe!

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