Jeb Bush to ‘Chaos’ President Donald Trump: Stop Tweeting – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush to ‘Chaos’ President Donald Trump: Stop Tweeting

Hey, JEB!, Stop Running for office.


[This image is not photoshopped. This is all JEB!]



LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the failed onetime GOP presidential candidate, is urging President Donald Trump to stop Tweeting.

“I think we need a special counsel, and I don’t [think] the president should tweet,” Bush told attendees here at the Salt Conference at the Bellagio casino hotel’s conference center on the Las Vegas Strip.

Trump is unlikely to stop Tweeting, no matter how many people in the political and financial elite tell him to, since he views his Twitter account as a direct line of communication—past the media industry—to the public.

SNIP: ^^^ Damn Skippy!  (More)

25 Comments on Jeb Bush to ‘Chaos’ President Donald Trump: Stop Tweeting

  1. His way of governing is not your way of governing.
    Do you wonder why you’re not governing ?
    I think everyone is tired of
    Clintons and
    Running for office and most especially
    Acting like they’re entitled to it !
    Ever wonder why you lost Jeb ?
    Ditto…………….Hillary ?

  2. Since Old Yebbie is part of the deep state it is he and his like-minded cronies who are actually sewing the poisoned seeds of chaos and are trying to take down a duly elected president!!

  3. Jeb must have finally run out of guacamole bowls to sell.

    Get a job for the first time in your life.
    With his expansive political knowledge and huge voter support nation-wide, He is certainly eligible to become a political pundit at CNN.

  4. I love Trump’s tweets, it’s his way of telling the media to go screw themselves and anyone else in the way. Trump’s fans love it, because we know it makes the liberals cringe.

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