Jeb Bush to Donald Trump: “You can not insult your way to the White House.” – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush to Donald Trump: “You can not insult your way to the White House.”

Jeb Bush calls Donald Trump “a jerk”. Then says “you can not insult your way to the Presidency.”

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20 Comments on Jeb Bush to Donald Trump: “You can not insult your way to the White House.”

  1. Oh, Pinko, puh-LEASE!
    Don’t think the House Of Booosh! would ever deem to live like us Little People!

    They ALWAYS live by the rule:
    “Rules for thee but not for me!”

    p.s. They must sell Grey Poupon for Retards down here….

  2. Loser.

    You could have walked away from the decent job you did in Florida and been considered a success the rest of your life.

    Now? You’re going to known forever as a crybaby loser-so fuck off.

  3. This pretending to like Conservatives really tears this guys apart. Kinda like what happened to Romney and McCain.

    Yebburrito should just grow a beard and let all the world see his Socialist heart out in the open. Kinda like Paul Ryan did.

  4. Chief, that’s exactly the vibe I get. The same kid always wanted to hang out with the athletes even though he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time and was picked on. You finally meet his father at the end of the year awards ceremony, where Yeb gets his participation trophy, and the father is just as big a putz as the kid.
    That’s Jeb!

  5. CHEB! CHEB! CHEB! All you’re gonna get outta this is the Rancid Penis award for flailing like a dumb chump. Karl Rove may rub your ears for ya, but he can’t make the Americans like you.

    And you never chastise someone you call a “jerk” for being insulting.

    See how that works? Have Rove or Penis explain it to ya.

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