Jeb: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Going to Get the Nomination’ – IOTW Report

Jeb: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Going to Get the Nomination’

jeb vanilla obama

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24 Comments on Jeb: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Going to Get the Nomination’

  1. This guy just doesn’t get it. It is precisely who and what he is that has me turned against him. He says he has the experience, the leadership, the proven track record, blah blah blah. I’m sick and tired of this broken record bullshit.

  2. Barbara should slap the snot outta Yebbi and tell him to sit down, shut his pie hole, and blend into the woodwork….so NOT prezzy material in ANY conceivable way……

  3. Law and order, the border, the all male muzz invading army = O’bamalamadingdong’s “refugees”, jobs, obamacare, the economy, terrorism, climate change, overreaching government, over reaching federal regulations, taxes, Iran nuke deal, federal dictates to schools, Second Amendment. I just laid out the major issues for the coming election.

    Jeb cannot speak coherently on even one of those issues, and the GOPe cannot either.

  4. Jeb must be mighty certain that his fix is in. Let’s hope that the large crowds of Trump supporters translate to large crowds of Trump votes in the primaries. Everyone who intends to vote in a GOP primary must be certain he/she (can I say this?) is eligible to vote per state’s primary rules. As we know, the GOP has been fiddling with primary rules to benefit their agenda (Jeb).

  5. It scares me when I read Jeb’s comment. It makes me think he’s got inside info, or knows something we don’t. How could someone be so out of touch with reality? This is beyond *wishful* thinking.

    I hope God protects the Donald. That’s all. We really, really need him.

  6. So Yeb sits with this corrupt little homosexual Steponmycockolous and entertains this puke as if he is a serious journalist. There you have it. Yeb, you are doing great among the leftist demoncrap party voters!! Not as good as Hitlery though.

    We all hate you and wish bad things happen to you. And we are allowed to say that about you without worrying about Loretra Lyncher tossing us in jail because you aint a muzzie shooter gunman from the religion of peace.


  7. Don’t count out Heb!

    It’s been discovered that an astonishing 16-million Guac-O-Bowls just arrived from China into the port of Miami, all now outfitted with a matching spoon! Soon,

    Heb will unleash…. [drum roll] Guac-O-Bowl II! The opposition will be toast [as opposed to a tortilla cheeeep]! They will be swimming in a flow of Guac-O-Bowls as deep as the Rio Grande… well, no, actually at least a foot deep.


  8. guacamole JEB is such a kidder.
    His 3% polling numbers sure shakes up the contenders.

    Unless, he’s used all his campaign dollars to buy delegates at the GOPe Convention. Nothing the GOP establishment progressives pull would surprise me.

  9. Jeb may win the primary, but only by under the table corrupt means by the established GOP party system in each state.

    That’s how the state GOP machine gave the primary victory to Mittens Romney last go round, he was not favored by the majority of GOP voters, but manipulations by party ole boys changed the outcome.

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