Jeb! Runs To Government-Funded NPR To Give Out Secret Guacamole Recipe – IOTW Report

Jeb! Runs To Government-Funded NPR To Give Out Secret Guacamole Recipe

jeb bush guaca bowle

BigGovernment: As GOP presidential candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is cancelling TV ad time, he used an interview with National Pubic Radio to reveal his wife Columba’s guacamole recipe.

NPR’s report titled, “Finally Revealed: Jeb Bush’s Secret Guacamole Recipe,” teases the recipe by revealing Bush previously spoke about the guacamole at the Iowa Agriculture Summit and sold “Guaca Bowls”in his campaign shop.

“Bush hadn’t given up that recipe … until now,” NPR reveals.

In an interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep (the bulk of which was about the 2016 presidential campaign, national security and immigration), he said it’s the first time he’s shared the secret to his “mighty fine” guac — though he added he “didn’t give enough specifics” so “it’s still secret squirrel enough.”

According to NPR, Bush’s recipe includes:

11 Comments on Jeb! Runs To Government-Funded NPR To Give Out Secret Guacamole Recipe

  1. The contempt for the mexicans and the usery of them by !Yeb!!! and Abuela Hitlery is laughable and very sad at the same time. They view them as dumb piles of rocks.

    Win their affection and approval by talking about guacamole… fucking pathetic. Newsflash: support of Tromp by working, English speaking, literate, American latinos is significant. Far beyond what the left is able to comprehend. They are the ones that are eligable to vote.

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