Jeb! SuperPAC lobs Hail Mary by releasing new ad featuring W – IOTW Report

Jeb! SuperPAC lobs Hail Mary by releasing new ad featuring W

super bush and lil jeb

CainTV: Whether you think George W. Bush was the greatest President in U.S. history, the worst President in U.S. history, or was somewhere in between, you can’t deny one thing: At the end of his two terms as Commander in Chief, he was toxic. So, what does it say about Jeb Bush’s campaign that his SuperPAC is releasing ads featuring Jeb’s big brother?

Here’s the spot:

7 Comments on Jeb! SuperPAC lobs Hail Mary by releasing new ad featuring W

  1. W was great after 9/11-I can’t imagine how badly Gore would have responded. Trying to make over Iraq though was a big mistake. Didn’t he leave with his approval ratings in the 20s? That’s pretty low.

    And don’t get me started about his compassionate conservatism bullshit, that primed the pump for the Obama/Jarrett geyser. Jeb! must have the biggest tin ear in political history-HTF did he get elected in Florida?

  2. “Right to Rise” paid for this ad.

    Jeb has no right to rise past his level of incompetence.

    Take your campaign money, go home and support other Rino progressives that agree with your ideology…..if you can find any liberal enough……

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