Jeb!’s super-PAC got a little too globalist, accepting 1.3 million from Chinese-owned company – IOTW Report

Jeb!’s super-PAC got a little too globalist, accepting 1.3 million from Chinese-owned company

American Thinker: The Federal Election Commission has imposed  almost a million dollars in fines on the super-PAC founded by Jeb! Bush in early 2015 and its Chinese donors of $1.3 million.  In other words, “foreign interference in our presidential election.”  The move represents a blow to the NeverTrump faction of the GOP, for the super-PAC caught being too globalist is headed by NeverTrump Mike Murphy, and the Bush family has been signaling its opposition to President Trump and comfort with Democrats like Bill Clinton, whom the late George H.W. Bush reportedly looked upon “like a son.”

Mother Jones gleefully reports:

The Federal Election Commission has hit Right to Rise USA, the super-PAC that backed Jeb Bush’s 2016 presidential bid, with a record fine for accepting a seven-figure donation from a company owned by Chinese nationals who were in business with Bush’s brother, Neil, according to FEC documents obtained by Mother Jones.  It is illegal for foreign nationals to be involved in making donations to political committees.

Neil Bush, who has extensive business dealings in China, solicited the $1.3 million contribution from American Pacific International Capital (APIC), an international investment holding company where Neil is a board member.  Although the contribution to Jeb’s super-PAC came from the American arm of APIC, the company’s owners are Chinese, and Neil Bush initially solicited the money from two Chinese nationals — Gordon Tang, the chair of APIC, and Huaidan Chen, a board member.  The FEC has fined APIC $550,000 and Right to Rise $390,000.

The rare action from the FEC, which is composed of three Democrat and three Republican members who rarely agree, came as the result of a complaint by The Campaign Legal Center (CLC).  The Intercept, funded by eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar and the home of Glenn Greenwald, brought the complaint to light in August 2016, as the presidential campaign was underway:  MORE

13 Comments on Jeb!’s super-PAC got a little too globalist, accepting 1.3 million from Chinese-owned company

  1. …looking at that gauge on the thread thumbnail, I would say you would be more accurate if you had Jeb! tilted a bit more to the left, both literally and figuratively…

  2. This is what I don’t understand at all (and it could apply to a lot of apparent crimes that pols and gov’t people commit that go unpunished): Why does it take agreement between the two factions, R & D, to pursue a complaint and bring the perp to justice? An FEC-related crime has been committed and it should be treated as such. This is the Administrative State in action. What is the use of paying for this unelected administration if they don’t do anything? Same thing with all these oversight committees. What’s the point of overseeing and finding gov’t crime if they don’t refer anyone over to DoJ? And what is the point of the DoJ if they just let everyone plead out?


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