Jeeze, Hillary, save some make-up for the rest of us – IOTW Report

Jeeze, Hillary, save some make-up for the rest of us

Patriot Retort: …Now, I realize that most women own more than their fair share of make-up.  But as a general rule, they don’t apply it all at once.

40 Comments on Jeeze, Hillary, save some make-up for the rest of us

  1. I assumed the demise of the Barnum and Bailey’s circus was for financial reasons. Apparently it was because Hillary hoarded all the clown’s damn makeup.

  2. So much botox!
    Did you see what Valerie Jarret was wearing today? She looked like Austin Powers. Lol.
    Is there a Republican plant advising these leftist women on fashion?

  3. I’m imagining an odor of old urine soaked depends, last nights Vodka Breath, really bad body odor, and very old perfume trying to cover up the entire mess.

  4. stirrin the pot
    MARCH 3, 2020 AT 7:58 PM
    “There is still NEVER enough makeup to cover the turkey neck.”

    …makeup can hide MUCH, but you show me ANY woman’s hands, neck, or boobs, and I’ll tell you how old she is…

    …on second thought, DON’T show me Hillary’s boobs. I LIKE boobs as a rule, but THOSE sad sacks could make a man never look below the lips ever again…

    “Deprived of their support, her breasts dropped like hanged men.”
    Gowan McGland

  5. No reason to dis water buffaloes, the slam is about wasting lipstick on a PIG.

    And if you can still recognize Hag Rodham, all that wasted makeup was not enough.

  6. Bad_Brad
    MARCH 3, 2020 AT 8:05 PM
    “I’m imagining an odor of old urine soaked depends, last nights Vodka Breath…”

    …about that breath…

    …one day, Hillary and Huma are drinking in a bar, and Hillary notices a guy checking out Huma HARD.

    After a whispered conversation with Huma, Hillary beckons him over.

    She smiles like an alligator and says to the man, “I saw you looking at my friend. You like her, huh”?

    …too drunk and horny to realize his peril, and focusing only on Huma who’s now smiling at him, he says, “Yesh”.

    With an even more gastrophryne grin, she says, “Ya wanna know something…intimate…about her?” she slitheringly speaks.

    “Yahuh”, he slurs, with an evil grin himself.

    She gestures for him to come close, and pushing through the miasma of ammonia, rancid cottage cheese, and ancient sins swirling around Hillary, he leans in expectantly.

    “You…wanna smell her pussy?” she purrs, with the deep wrinkles on the sides of her face clambering over each other as though to get away from the unnatural smile…

    “Yessshh” he flutes drunkenly, leering in anticipation.

    …suddenly, Hillary grabs him roughly by the back of the neck, yanks him almost into the foul portal framed by her clowns’ blood red lips, blows a blast of her breath directly into his nostils, and shouts “HERE IT IS!!! SUCK IT ALL IN!!! in rage and triumph.

    Reeling in agony and disgust,his expiring thought was that, mixed in with the distilley odors, decayed tooth smells, denture breath waftings, and years of corruption, there WAS a taint of unwashed Arab fish blood.

    …and the shock of THAT killed him, as he realized, that, for the FIRST time EVER…

    …Hillary had told the TRUTH…

  7. @Hanover – “…How does the saying go?
    Something like ” lipstick on a water buffalo “?…”

    I always heard “lipstick on a pig”, but in Hilla-beast’s case I think water buffalo is most appropriate.

    @SNS – Agreed. The neck, hands and boobs tell all. Ya just can’t hide the saggy, baggy, droopy folds of skin, despite what the infomercials tell us.

  8. Hildabeast has so much money she doesn’t have to think. Less financially grifted, fat, ugly, smelly, screeching skanks know that a half gallon of vodka in him works better than a gallon of Revlon on her.

  9. SNS – “And thus died Bill Clinton …”

    On a more sober note – her face looks like a deflated balloon.
    A drawing on a deflated balloon.
    As a matter of fact, a rather poor drawing on a deflated balloon.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. …Bill KNOWS better than to get that close to Hillary, @Tim, and I seriously doubt he’s sniffed around THAT bush since Hillary had Webb Hubbell’s kid…

  11. MJA
    MARCH 3, 2020 AT 11:00 PM
    “What is going on with the ring around her neck?”

    …Hangman’s tattoo. She barely escaped the noose once when, during a hanging in Salem in 1693, the Devil broke her rope and carried her off on beelzebubback because he had SEVERAL centuries of work for her to do, but let her swing for a minute to remind her who’s boss…

    …Hillary demon dismounted and then fled down the coast with her coven sisters Nancy and Elizabeth, fleeing into the miasmic coastal swamps of Maryland to escape the hunt. About a century later, after they’d rebuilt their powers, Nancy whispered into the ear of new President George Washington to move the seat of his fledgling Nation into their pestilential swamp and the center of their power, and they’ve been their ever since…

    …you have to admit, it WOULD explain a LOT…


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