Jeff Flake may challenge Trump in 2020 – IOTW Report

Jeff Flake may challenge Trump in 2020

American Thinker: Senator Jeff Flake was in New Hampshire to speak at the famous “politics and eggs” event at St. Anselm College where many a presidential hopeful has auditioned for the role.

So, naturally, one of the most prominent NeverTrumpers in politics would fuel speculation that he will challenge Donald Trump in the Republican primaries of 2020.

Associated Press:

“It has not been in my plans to run for president, but I have not ruled it out,” the 55-year-old Republican said Friday in his first solo political appearance in New Hampshire. The state is expected to host the nation’s first presidential primary election in less than two years.

He continued: I hope that that someone does run in the Republican primary, somebody to challenge the president. I think that the Republicans want to be reminded what it means to be a traditional, decent Republican.”  MORE

SNIP: LMAO! A traditional, decent Republican. Wow, he’s quite the comedian if he thinks that’s what he is.

17 Comments on Jeff Flake may challenge Trump in 2020

  1. When was the last time a incumbant President who desired to run for a second term was defeated in a nomination battle? The guy knows he would lose a nomination battle for Senator for pete’s sake and that’s why he’s retiring. He’s just auditioning for a job at MSNBC or CNN as a pet Republican.

  2. So he doesn’t run for a second term in the Senate because he knows he would get his clock cleaned, and now he thinks he would win the race for the GOP Presidential nomination? He sure does have an appropriate name.

  3. I get a kick out of these real “real conservatives” who are just anti-trump and would have preferred President Hillary and “real republicans” who are really just democrats…

  4. This guy is a colossal asshole, no wonder he found the perfect place for himself in politics.

    This guy is so thoroughly delusional he actually thinks his egotistical ass is the voice of reason.

  5. Flake’s arrogance is exceeded only by his stupidity. This ploy is only a money grab attempt. He will never make it passed the primaries. Flake should invest in a burial plot for his career. I suggest right next to McCain’s.

  6. As a conservative I find the term “decent republican” to be offensive. He is implying we should all be RINOs like Mitt, Jeb, McCain and the other Bush’s. Flake is a loser!


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