Jeff Sessions Declines to Appoint ‘Second Special Counsel,’ Assigns U.S. Attorney Instead – IOTW Report

Jeff Sessions Declines to Appoint ‘Second Special Counsel,’ Assigns U.S. Attorney Instead

Breitbart: Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent a letter in reply to a group of leading Republicans on Thursday, indicating he would not be appointing a special counsel to investigate certain aspects of the FBI’s handling of probes into Russian election interference.

Instead, Sessions announced he would assign regular top-level federal prosecutor U.S. Attorney John Huber of the District of Utah to assist Justice Department Inspector General Micheal Horowitz in his investigation of issues like FBI bias against President Donald Trump before and after the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the Bureau’s relationship with Fusion GPS’s ex-spy Christopher Steele. Huber will have the authority to recommend the appointment of a new special counsel to prosecute criminal matters if he sees them arise.

The letter, addressed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), explains:  READ HERE

23 Comments on Jeff Sessions Declines to Appoint ‘Second Special Counsel,’ Assigns U.S. Attorney Instead

  1. Keep the investigation in House, under wraps, where evidence will be withheld and prosecution is the very last resort, if at all.

    Whoever controls the evidence, can hold justice hostage.

    The FBI and DOJ has covered up, participated in criminal acts and has not been forth coming releasing evidence, memos, correspondence, e-mail or investigative files.

    Why would I trust them to investigate themselves?
    I already know the outcome.

  2. Jeffrey, if people like Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Power and McCabe are not prosecuted and convicted, they will end up back in our government in a future Dem administration. That is unacceptable. At a bare minimum, these people must be made ineligible to work in government. Whatever it takes to neutralize them, make it so.

  3. Anwar al-Awlaki was a traitor extra-judicially murdered by Obola with absolute impunity.

    Why can’t President Trump and AG Sessions do the same?

    The “precedent” (the foundation of our legal “system” – justice having nothing to do with it) is already established: just dispense with all that “investigation” and “trial by jury” nonsense – like Obola did.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Much as I’ve been upset with Sessions, this is a good move, especially since this particular prosecutor has been working with Horowitz thus far–remember, the IG does not have subpoena power but the USAO does and that’s a good thing when it comes to people like Comey and McCabe who are no longer DOJ employees and no longer under the IG’s jurisdiction.
    The guy can ask for a Special Prosecutor if the need arises.

  5. Special Counsel or Special Prosecutor? What does it matter as long as the criminals are brought to heel. U.S. Attorney John Huber is not a member of the D.C. Deep Swamp State. Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is trying to rebuild the Justice Department, using the existing laws and procedures that are on the books. If he is successful, this will prove that Justice has been restored to the Justice Department. That’s an important accomplishment. He has done a great deal to set a new course for a department ravaged by eight years of Obama, Holder and Lynch. Godspeed, John Huber.

  6. I’m not seeing the aggressive pursuit of justice that this deserves and requires! I’m starting to be concerned that this will drag on past the mid-terms in the hope the donkeys win enough races to effectively shut this all down.

  7. I love how the letter opens with him “knowing” and “loving” the people of the DOJ (Really? he’s worked there a little over a year and he “knows” it?) I wonder if he “loves” the likes of Strock, Page, McCabe, and Comey? In case you haven’t noticed Mr. AG, Chris Wray and his pals have continuously ignored and slow-walked info requested by Congress and only complied when facing the threat of impeachment.

    You are being played Jeff. If the libs take the House in November all this will disappear and the underlying conduct will soon reappear thanks to you.

    You should step down for the good of the country.

  8. They must hear from us. Write/Call your Reps, Senators, and the President. Email the DOJ. If it helps anyone, for example, here’s what I just sent to Sessions via the DOJ site:

    Dear Attorney General Jeff Sessions,

    Please be encouraged that we, the Citizens of the United States of America, are fully expecting the Rule of Law to be restored to the Republic. We know of the abuses of power and the scheme that was devised and implemented against us by the previous administration, a scheme which threatens our very democracy and seeks to undermine our duly-elected President. We anticipate Justice to be served upon those who committed Treason and who weaponized our Government Agencies against us. This includes Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. No one is above the law or too big to prosecute. This is what sets our nation apart from so many others.

    It’s a great day to be an American. Be strong, be of good courage! We’re praying for President Trump, you, and our nation.

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