Jeff Sessions shuts down Ilhan Omar in Twitter spat – IOTW Report

Jeff Sessions shuts down Ilhan Omar in Twitter spat

Blaze: Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) sparred on social media on Friday after the congresswoman called for disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department.

Sessions ended the battle hitting out at Omar over allegations that she previously married her own sibling, asking the Democrat: “How’s your brother, by the way?” more

18 Comments on Jeff Sessions shuts down Ilhan Omar in Twitter spat

  1. Don’t bother looking up the “KKK pot” thing. It was a joke which some black lawyer claims that Sessions told. Just hearsay bullshit. Unlike the saga of Ilhan and her brother. Plenty of evidence there.

  2. …whatever, Sessons still betrayed America and his President, and we’re still paying for it, plus he also gave his Senate seat to a Democrat. He could have jailed or deported Omar or whatever her name is many, many times over for numerous, well-documented crimes while he was AG, but he preferred to aid and abet treason instead.

    A couple of mild Twitter burns hardly makes up for that…

  3. Sessions ended the battle by asking Omar “how’s your brother.” Nice dig, but why didn’t you prosecute her for immigration fraud when you had the chance, you little weasel.


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