Jenner on Hillary: “She’s a F*****G Liar” – IOTW Report

Jenner on Hillary: “She’s a F*****G Liar”

watch out bad ass

YoungConservatives: Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner has been getting hot and heavy into politics lately, coming out in support of Ted Cruz and slamming Hillary on what seems to be a regular basis.

Apparently that’s just been the warm up.

From Free Beacon:

Olympian and reality television star Caitlyn Jenner went on a tirade on her show against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Jenner is a known Republican and has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas).

The website Gossip Cop also was able to post a video of the scene from the show I Am Cait on E! and more widely reported by the Washington Examiner.  MORE

12 Comments on Jenner on Hillary: “She’s a F*****G Liar”

  1. Incidentally do not believe satan’s spawn’s poll #s.
    The numbers are made up….just like the unemployment numbers.

    Please cancel your cable and send a msg to the diabolical filth in power.

  2. “coming out in support of Ted Cruz and slamming Hillary on what seems to be a regular basis.”

    Bruce must not realize that Ted is a Bible thumper who believes that what Bruce is doing is a sin. But Ted will take any endorsement – no matter who it is and what they stand for.

  3. …But Ted will take any endorsement?

    Let’s not get hysterical over this. You think every candidate can control who endorses them? Because if that’s the case, explain why the klan and a muslim group endorsed Trump.
    I would say that’s equally odd.

  4. “What is so objectionable to calling her a forking liar?”

    Absolutely nothing. And that’s the purpose of this post.
    Not who he supports, but the fact that libs are going up his ass with a fine-tooth comb because he called Hilldog a liar.
    Bruce may be a freak, but no matter who he supports, facts are facts. Hillary is a liar.

  5. @BOOM: I don’t need to thump a Bible and clunk people over the head with it. People who do that makes me quite uneasy. The JW’s hate it when they show up on my door step, me I enjoy putting it to them. Yawn, they quit showing up.

  6. “Because if that’s the case, explain why the klan and a muslim group endorsed Trump.
    I would say that’s equally odd.”

    Maybe it’s not an endorsement at all, but it’s a way to embarrass a candidate. I think that’s where the endorsement is coming from.

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