Jerry Brown Has Not Refused President Trump’s National Guard Deployment – IOTW Report

Jerry Brown Has Not Refused President Trump’s National Guard Deployment

Breitbart: California Governor Jerry Brown has not refused President Donald Trump’s call to deploy the California National Guard to assist interdictions of illegal immigrants and drugs along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Brown has called President Trump’s opposition to California’s “sanctuary state” laws a danger to public safety and a violation of residents’ civil rights. Breitbart News has reported that due to policy disagreements, California has sued the Trump Administration over two dozen times.

But Governor Brown has stayed quiet for the four days since Trump issued his April 4 proclamation authorizing deployment of state National Guard units to the Mexican border in support of the U.S. Border Patrol’s mission to “stop the stream of illegal immigration” and put an end to the practice of “catch-and -release.”

The action by the Trump administration, which is expected to involve 2,000 to 4,000 soldiers and airmen, is substantially similar to action taken by the last five presidents.

In June 2010, President Barack Obama executed Operation Phalanx under Title 10 of the United States Code, which allows the U.S. Secretary of Defense to take command and control of the 50 Ssate National Guards for domestic needs. Obama requested — and the governors of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas agreed — to supply 1,200 volunteer soldiers and airmen for a mission along the 1,933-mile southwest border to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency drug interdiction efforts with enhanced “identification, criminal analysis, and command and control.”

Operation Phalanx was credited with helping the seizure of more than 14,000 pounds of drugs, apprehension of more than 64,000 illegal immigrants, and the confiscation of millions of dollars in illicit currency before it was terminated on September 30, 2011.

California also fully complied with a 2006 through 2008 request by President George W. Bush to deploy 6,000 National Guardsmen to the Mexican border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.  read more

13 Comments on Jerry Brown Has Not Refused President Trump’s National Guard Deployment

  1. Brown is watching the revolt in heavily populated Orange and San Diego County.
    What took place there will read further. This is not good for the Dems, and he knows it.

  2. All Too Much

    Keep in mind the most of the Northern Counties didn’t bother holding meetings and passing resolutions. The Sheriffs departments just straight up told Brown and Xavier to go pound salt.

  3. Maybe Brown is scared shitless that if he ordered the National Guard not to cooperate with DC that they’d refuse to follow his orders. |If that happens then it opens the door to police departments all over California disobeying sanctuary city ordinances. If that happens it’s over for Brown and the rest of the democrats.


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