Jerry Brown Wants To Tax Drinking Water – IOTW Report

Jerry Brown Wants To Tax Drinking Water

In my opinion, this isn’t about fixing brown water, this is about funding his Brown Train.

Daily Caller: California Gov. Jerry Brown is prodding lawmakers to add a sizable tax on citizens drinking water in a bid to fix a beleaguered water system some citizens believe is poisoning poor people in rural areas.

The tax on drinking water, if passed, would be the first in California’s history. The money would go toward addressing drinking water tainted with arsenic and other contaminants in the San Joaquin Valley. Urban water agencies are trying to kill the bill, arguing the issue is confined to California’s rural areas. more here

20 Comments on Jerry Brown Wants To Tax Drinking Water

  1. Once a tax on drinking water passes, California will never, ever, in any foreseeable future, have water free of arsenic and other contaminants. The solution will be even higher taxes. If they stumble upon clean water by some freak accident, it will be because of the tax, hence keep it in place.

  2. @Anonymous June 4, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    Just as I was thinking. Water and air are the two basic needs of all life. With his insatiable appetite for tax revenue, he’ll likely go way beyond those essentials and tax people for dying, when they no longer need air & water. IOW, taxed when you use it and taxed when you don’t use it.

    As a turd is brown, so is he.

  3. Water, the original thirst mutilator.
    Who knew that movie was a documentary about things that haven’t yet happened, but will.
    They were off on the timeline. Instead of 500-years it’s really closer to 50.

  4. @Poor Lazlo: they not only don’t want to build dams, they want to remove many of those that currently exist.

    The article estimated that $35 billion was needed to obtain clean drinking water. Or about 1/3 of the estimated final cost of Brown’s high speed rail boondoggle. You get one guess as to which project Brown will fund.

  5. Brown wants to tax anything he can think of, to maximize cash flow in to cover the ballooning pensions.
    I just need to be able to afford to keep a place in CA so I can visit the beach often, while establishing residency elsewhere. CA is manageable at the moment but not for long.

  6. I laugh because as a former Californian I believe that Moonbeam thinks he’ll be safe after he leaves office.

    By destroying California through all of his time in office what he has essentially accomplished is the creation of bitter landmines in the form of displaced former Californians.

    Can you imagine a country full of landmines that will only detonate when you, and you alone, personally step on one?

    Where will you retire to, Jerry?

  7. California water and water rights will become a huge issue in the near future. We can laugh at a relatively minimal tax on drinking water now, but what happens during the next inevitable drought – exacerbated by a SoCal population far too large for local water supply? In the last drought, Central Valley farmers were screaming for water and lost a lot of crops and orchards, while people in many communities were subject to water rationing (not including the privileged elite in Beverly Hills, where residents refused to ration).

    SoCal has an insatiable thirst for water, but communities in other states are now starting to insist on their agreed upon share of the Colorado river. NorCal is expanding, as are desert communities, and between all of these folks and the state’s farmers, I can foresee a huge problem in the future.

    But on the bright side, if there is a water shortage in Bakersfield but sufficient water in Fresno, you can take a normal train on a high speed rail system to get there.

  8. What happened to the Dems that are always running around telling everyone YOU HAVE A RIGHT to XYZ. You’d think drinking water, which you can’t live if you go without a few days, would fit that bill. So in CA they want you to have free healthcare but tax water. Do we really need to go through the reasons why Dems should never be taken seriously?!


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