Jesse Jackson, wife Jaqueline hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Jesse Jackson, wife Jaqueline hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19

The reverend was fully vaccinated back in January at Roseland Community Hospital.

CHICAGO (WLS) — The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and his wife Jacqueline are both hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19.

According to a statement authorized by their son Jonathan Jackson on Saturday, the couple is currently at Chicago’s Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

“Doctors are currently monitoring the condition of both. Anyone who has been around either of them for the last five or six days should follow the CDC guidelines,” the statement said.

“There are no further updates at this time. We will provide updates as they become available.” the statement went on to say. more

38 Comments on Jesse Jackson, wife Jaqueline hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19

  1. As with so many people I despise, I don’t want to see this man dead, I simply want never to see or hear him again. Ever.

    Even though has has on a few occasions said something cogent and/or insightful, at heart he’s a bully, a con artist, an extortionist, and a race mongering reprobate.

  2. I love it, not because I can’t stand the asshole, but to show all the libtards, Hollywood elite and the Dems pushing others to get the vaccine, an elite figure got the jab and now has Covid. Hope it strikes a little fear into all of them.

  3. “…Dr. Zachary Rubin with Oak Brook Allergists said the vaccine helps reduce the risk of severe disease.

    “I think the outcomes could have been much more severe if he was unvaccinated,” said Rubin…”

    You idiot, they were just admitted into the hospital a day ago. You have no idea what the outcome is yet. That was just a mindless, baseless criticism of those who choose not to lab rats.

  4. Uhhh, Ah clearly got an inferior covid dose back in January because Ah’m black. That’s raciss and that’s wrong, and Ah’ll be contacting my attorneys immediately.

  5. If he gets out of the hospital soon they will say if he hadn’t gotten the jab the symptoms would have been worse, if he gets put on a ventilator they will say if he hadn’t gotten the jab he would have died, if he dies they will say if he had not gotten the vaccine he would have suffered more.

    Even Trump can’t seem to admit this is a poison shot. Even after getting booed for saying he recommended they get the jab. I am not going to lie him or anyone pushing this damn thing makes me question their motives and/or sanity.


    We used to set azimuth by sight, but you could also set azimuth with test LPs and VU meters. But that was assuming everything else was correct.

    As we had more settings to deal with we got further and further into a quagmire of bullshit.

    In the old days we set azimuth, and vertical weight (if we could). And that was it. Then the world moved on to anti-skate, tonearm horizontal angle to the record, pitch control, and had to use protractors to figure the precise location of the stylus on the nulls.


  7. Old Racist White Woman – President Trump’s defense of the vaccine hasn’t gone unnoticed. Personally, I’m very disappointed in him. People can argue that he got duped and thought he was doing the right thing with Operation Warp Speed. But he’s had plenty of time since Jan. 20 to learn the truth about it. So, I don’t know what to think now. Also, his attack on Fauci was only about masks, not Fauci’s funding of the Chinese and his many lies about COVID…

    I now support Governor DeSantis in 2024.

  8. Navratilova and Meatheat Reiner and Big Fat Michael Moore and that shithead former head of the CIA have all been wishing for MAGA people to die of COVID.
    And that’s just evil.
    So I’m not rooting for Jesse Jackson to die from COVID.
    That would be wrong.
    He can die from a plain old heart attack or maybe die in an FBI raid for not paying taxes like a MAGA would and I’ll be happy.

  9. “Race hustling poverty pimp” in the immortal words of JC Watts.

    Fuck him and the “Jab.”
    (and that’s the nicest I can come up with)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Merely testing positive is reason for hospitalization?

    Given the anti vax mood these days, maybe hospitals should admit only those who have been vaxxed and yet still caught the Cootie.

  11. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS, sorry I clicked on that vid. Not appropriate to me in any setting. I would hope we can get our point across without going to the dumpster.

  12. DaveVA
    AUGUST 23, 2021 AT 7:49 AM
    “ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS, sorry I clicked on that vid. Not appropriate to me in any setting. ”

    I did warn you.

    That guy directly costs me some friends growing up in addition to poisoning the nation generally and laying the groudwork for the racial antagonism we have now.

    No love whatsoever.

    I would happily play that song outside his hospital window.

    Or at his funeral. It WOULD be appropriate in THOSE settings.

    He earned it.

  13. stirrin the pot
    AUGUST 22, 2021 AT 10:44 PM
    “C’mon SNS, you’re better than that garbage you linked to.”

    No I’m not. I have a sin nature just like every human being does. When I say something good its because I listened to the Spirit and its Him you see, not me. I struggle with this daily, moreso nowdays, and don’t always listen well enough to win that struggle.

    Sorry to disappoint, but I’m deeply flawed and I know it. Especially in that I can hate, and I hate this guy in particular on a personal level because I grew up when integration was a thing, and we naieve kids didn’t know we were supposed to hate each other because of our color so we made friends.

    Freinds I grew up with. Freinds I made the transition from middle to high school with.

    Freinds I lost when THIS guy told them why they should hate ME.

    In many ways most of my life I’ve been a mirror when relating to other people, which isn’t unusual. You show me kindness, I will reflect it when the time comes. You show me friendship, we can be freinds.

    You show me hate, you’re not going to like what you see in my mirror of you AT ALL.

    And Jackson made his LIVING showing hate. While pretending
    to be a MINISTER. Its his BRAND. and since it was SO renumerative to him, and gave him SO much power, almost the Presidency, he didn’t care WHO it hurt.

    He certainly didn’t care if it hurt young, dumb schoolkids in Podunk, OH.

    …he’s been back here a few times to fan the flames of race hate, to divide, to make riots worse. And he makes God look bad by extension by having the unmitigated gall to call himself a “Reverend”.

    No, I don’t wish him well. At all. And as crude as that song is, the sentiment so expressed is no more than he deserves.

    I know I shouldn’t hate. I know I’m not pleasing God with things like this. I know what I do reflects badly on Him too, though I do not claim any ministry and never deny my flaws. I am a work in progress that frequently turns in the Master’s hand, and I’m sure He will tire of it eventually.

    But althogh I know all this, it doesn’t always stop me from hating those who hate me.

    So I regret that I am not on a Godly level yet and that I am not serving the Lord in this,

    But I do not regret that sentiment.

    Go to hell, Jessie Jackson. By the swiftest way possible. The world will be a better place when it is finally rid of you.

    And if feeling so puts me in the Lake next to you, so be it.

    At least I may have occasion then to bring my curses home to you…

  14. I went to Walmart this morning.
    Bought some stuff.
    Brung it home and put it away.
    Didn’t think about that diseased racist puke once.
    Ain’t that somethin?

    izlamo delenda est …


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