Jesse Kelly: Break the FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind – IOTW Report

Jesse Kelly: Break the FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind

13 Comments on Jesse Kelly: Break the FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind

  1. what I said last night … dismantle the FBI. it is no longer a law ‘enforcement’ agency, it is a ruling class enforcement agency

    dismantle it entirely … disband it & put something else in it’s place
    …. & while you’re at it … the CIA … both have outlived their usefulness & purpose & have shown to be subversive to the United States

  2. Run, Wray, run. Run to that Board of Directors. They have a chair waiting for you. You’ve sold out your country and your integrity for them, but they always pay their debts. Go. Live out your days in comfort. Your shame will be forgotten soon and so will you. Run. Slip away before you are chased away. And you will be chased. Do not doubt that.

  3. Whenever I hear someone like Barr talk about “preserving the institutions” I want to break things. It is that the organizations have become institutions that is the foundation of the problems we’re dealing with.

    Institutions take on a quasi-life of their own. Individuals who are part of an institution commonly accept the corporate / institutional culture as their own, even submerging their own principles, standards, and ethics in favor of ensuring the health and continuation of the institution. This is very unhealthy for everybody, especially those who are NOT members of club.

    The best description and analysis of this phenomenon is a great little book, Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival. It was published in 1985 by the late Butler Shaffer who unfortunately passed away late last year. He was professor of law, philosophy, and economics (Austrian School, of course) at Southwestern University School of Law, and was a great thinker, writer, and teacher in the tradition of von Mises and Rothbard. Another first rate read from Shaffer is In Restraint of Trade: The Business Campaign Against Competition, 1918-1938. Both books are worth hunting down and keeping in your library.

    Yes. Raze the govt institutions. Even if we need a govt, we do NOT need govt institutions especially when they value themselves more than the rights and welfare of the citizens they falsely claim to serve.

  4. i can see Trump whittling the fbi down to size then eliminating it. It has proved itself to be untrustworthy. All the agents are lawyers and who can trust them? Besides, its way to big anyway. It needs to go. We have 17 law enforcement agencies as it is.

    *ARGH* Charlie WalksonWater


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