Jewish opposition grows to Keith Ellison’s bid to head DNC – IOTW Report

Jewish opposition grows to Keith Ellison’s bid to head DNC

AmericanMirror: A growing number of pro-Israel activists and Jewish community figures are expressing concern that Minnesota’s U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison will turn the Democratic Party away from Israel if he is elected party chairman.

The election of Ellison “would bode badly for Jews,” longtime Democratic consultant Dr. Hank Sheinkopf told “His positions on Israel fit the pattern, noted by recent research, of identified liberal anti-Israel bias and the movement of Democrats away from Israel.”

Defending Farrakhan

Ellison’s controversial statements and actions date back to the 1990s, when he served as a local spokesman in Minnesota for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam movement. Ellison raised eyebrows when he publicly claimed in 1995 that Farrakhan “is not an anti-Semite.”  read more

16 Comments on Jewish opposition grows to Keith Ellison’s bid to head DNC

  1. When are the American Jews going to wake up that the Democrat Party is BAD for them, starting with FDR? Having a Muslim for a President and now a Muslim heading the DNC — when will they get their heads out of their rear-ends and smell the coffee?

    The only Jews with balls and brains who see the Muzzies and their enablers for what they really are are the Israelis. Thank God for Netanyahu.

  2. The only way I could ever give any credence at all to the claim that Louie F. “is not an anti-Semite” is if Louie was in fact a paranoid schizophrenic with Tourette’s and who continuously spouted outrageously offensive comments about everybody and everything and so by sheer chance sometimes said awful things about Jews.

    Not that that would help any.

  3. The Jews will not abandon the socialists.
    They will rush to leap into the ovens, vying with one another to be first.
    They will toss their children in, to prove their socialist bona fides.

    “They are a stiff-necked people …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Dear ‘Jews’ History shows that you once stopped the Ultimate Christian, so keeping this Muslim, racist mother fucker out of the government should be as easy as launching your little dreidel.
    After all, the last Muslim experiment didn’t work out at all.

  5. Good to hear some of the Jewish folks are speaking up, where are the Christians?

    Oh, Catholics are being led by a marxist/socialist/communist and the other Christian denominations are worried about their tax exempt status, new buildings, social programs, tithes and being politically correct. I forgot, some things didn’t change after November 8th.

  6. I wonder when the Jews will realize that their beloved Democrat Party turned away from Israel decades ago. No matter how badly Dems treat Israel (then disguise their enmity by saying it’s not Jews but rather Israel as a country and their policies) American (and Canadian as well) Jews will continue to donate money and time as well as their votes. Insanity.

  7. Face it. The Jews HATE Christians. Period. I wish it were not so; I like them and have had great relationships with them over the years. I can not trust them given their penchant for totalitarian, anti-American (and anti Jewish!) philosophies.

    They willingly vote for the guys that will reignite the pogrom; the final solution. A shame to see a very intelligent people destroyed because of their stubbornness.

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