Jewish Republicans Excoriate Mitch McConnell, Josh Holmes, Senate Leadership Fund for Running Hillary Clinton Playbook Against Bannon – IOTW Report

Jewish Republicans Excoriate Mitch McConnell, Josh Holmes, Senate Leadership Fund for Running Hillary Clinton Playbook Against Bannon

Breitbart: Top Jewish conservatives are stepping forward to back up Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, the former White House chief strategist who was CEO of President Donald Trump’s successful general election campaign.

As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies at the Senate Leadership Fund and elsewhere devolve into using failed tactics employed in 2016 by Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) are hammering back at McConnell and his cronies. McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund has, just like Hillary Clinton did, falsely alleged that Bannon is anti-Semitic.

The Senate Leadership Fund, in a move that only hurts Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) even more than the pro-amnesty anti-Trump incumbent is hurting alread , on Thursday tweeted an attack against Bannon:

That came in response to an effort from insurgent anti-establishment pro-Trump Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian, who pledged not to support McConnell for Majority Leader—and is calling on Heller to join him. Heller is refusing to answer the question, and has dodged it repeatedly—and as such new polling shows Heller under 40 percent, and Tarkanian with a healthy lead over Heller outside the survey’s margin of error. That is a horrendous position for an incumbent to be more than half a year ahead of a primary next summer.  MORE


3 Comments on Jewish Republicans Excoriate Mitch McConnell, Josh Holmes, Senate Leadership Fund for Running Hillary Clinton Playbook Against Bannon

  1. “reprehensible lies being promoted by Sen. Mitch McConnell”

    McCONnel, like Hillary will say and do anything to maintain leadership and legislative power over the RINO infested Senate.

    McCONnel, a poster boy for term limits, is one of the long standing establishment architects of obstruction to Pres. Trumps (and America’s) Agenda.

    Mitch, the politics of destructive lies aren’t gonna work. The game is up and you need to be out. Step aside.

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