Jihad war criminal President Ahmad Al Bashir of Sudan Ousted in coup – IOTW Report

Jihad war criminal President Ahmad Al Bashir of Sudan Ousted in coup

Geller Report-

After decades of jihad, annihilation and enslavements, as well as war crimes, President Bashir was ousted in a coup. Back in 2009, “a defiant President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan lambasted the West for his indictment on war crimes charges.” Nothing was ever done. Sadly, it wasn’t Bashir’s monstrous savagery that led to his ouster but growing  protests against food shortages and rising prices, which quickly became a mass movement across Sudan. Protest organizers estimated that hundreds of thousands of people had gathered, eclipsing earlier demonstrations.

One worrisome sign over the weekend was the increased presence in Khartoum of the janjaweed, notorious jihad militias that were blamed for atrocities in the conflict in Darfur. The Sudanese government has reconstituted them as the Rapid Support Forces.

For a time in the 1990s, Sudan hosted Osama bin Laden. And Mr. al‑Bashir is the only current leader of a nation to be wanted by the International Criminal Court. The court has indicted him on charges of crimes against humanity and genocide, accusing him of playing “an essential role” in atrocities in Darfur, a region in western Sudan.

The New York Times reported:

Saturday, marchers were able to approach the army headquarters, meeting far less resistance than expected. As the protest continued into Sunday, thousands more people streamed in, swelling its numbers.

There was some violence and reports of about five deaths — mainly in Khartoum and mainly from gunfire — related to the protests.

Still, activists said that the protesters had been met with less violence than some had anticipated, and that the general mood among the protesters was joyous. And some protesters found that once they were near army headquarters, some soldiers shielded them.

“The military guys are protecting us from other government bodies,” a participant who gave only his first name, Elsamawal, said by phone on Sunday.

Elsamawal, 32, who works in sales, said he watched as an argument unfolded between uniformed soldiers and officers from the National Intelligence and Security Service.

“Some of the national security people were trying to stop people from reaching this area, but I saw the soldiers tell them not to touch the protesters, that they are going peacefully, and to let them go,” he said.

Largely non-Muslim, South Sudan  was the recipient of the Bashir’s vicious jihad. After a long civil war, they fought and gained gain their independence in 2011. read more

2 Comments on Jihad war criminal President Ahmad Al Bashir of Sudan Ousted in coup

  1. Sudan needs a new President! Might I suggest Barack Hussein Obama (Second verse same as the first a little bit louder and a little bit worse) Those Africans have the ‘RIGHT” to be lorded over by one of their own dirtbag, scam artists (see South Africa)!


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