Jihadi Suspected Of Killing Eight In New York Praises Allah And Defends ISIS In Court – IOTW Report

Jihadi Suspected Of Killing Eight In New York Praises Allah And Defends ISIS In Court


Sayfullo Saipov, an Islamic radical charged with killing eight in Manhattan in October of 2017, interrupted a judge in court Friday to invoke Allah and defend the Islamic State.

Saipov, who hails from Uzbekistan and whose name translates to “Sword of Allah,” is accused of using a rental truck on October 31, 2017, to mow down 8 people on a bike path near the World Trade Center and seriously injure dozens more. He requested permission to speak in court Friday directly after U.S. District Judge Vernon S. Broderick set the date of Saipov’s trial for October 7, 2019. more here

15 Comments on Jihadi Suspected Of Killing Eight In New York Praises Allah And Defends ISIS In Court

  1. And the Mayor spoke on his behalf saying “we know there are some adjustments to living in a new environment but other than this hiccup he’s been a wonderful addition to our city.

  2. The DOJ needs a few months to decide if this murderous islamic POS should receive the death penalty? Maybe they are trying to find intent of his killing 10 US Citizens.
    Absolutely no question, exterminate immediately after sentencing.

  3. This person needs lethal injection. After the needles are in & just before the chemicals flow, a pound of bacon strips need to be spread across his body, s then he’ll be not be pure & won’t get his 72 virgins.

  4. If you stuff every Jihadi body through a wood chipper with the outflow pipe over a crowded pig trough, film every one, and broadcast the shit out of it, you will have six weeks of madness from two hundred million screaming death cultists (“I thought there was a Billion” Powers Boothe replies: “There was” HT Red Dawn).
    Then two hundred years of peace.
    And quiet.

  5. I just read about some muzzie sub-Sahara
    savages in a refuge camp in Greece.They
    raped a small female dog to death…
    Like Bracken sez= “You are going to have to
    harden your heart & your hands”. Real soon.
    Now we got Somalis that kill people with bricks
    in Maine.

  6. This little shit is an enemy agent
    and unlawful combatant engaged in
    war against noncombatants. The Laws Of War clearly say he should be tried before a military court and when found guilty be promptly shot.
    If we don’t start treating them
    for what they are we are being set
    up for our own fall.

  7. At some point, we are going to have to take these muslim fucks out back and just put a bullet in their ear and be done with them, because if you incarcerate them they only serve as a living cancer to infect more people within the prison system.

    Let be finished with this crap once and for all.

    I’ll be happy to pull the trigger if requested.

    America needs to reject its Beta Male pervasiveness, reject the skinny jeans, and begin to re-man the fuck up.

  8. “They have one purpose, and they’re fighting to impose Sharia on earth.” – the POS Perp.

    If the system was about justice, he would be hung in front of the courthouse. Then maybe pulled down and dragged around a bit for ALL the world to see…

    I knew one of the victims by three degrees of separation.

    Our PC politician scumbags are getting us killed…



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