Jill Biden helps Joe off stage after disastrous debate showing: ‘This says it all’ – IOTW Report

Jill Biden helps Joe off stage after disastrous debate showing: ‘This says it all’

“Look, my knees are bone-on-bone at age 60, so I get it,” tweeted Paula Bolyard, who notes in her bio that she is a conservative. “The problem was the previous 90 minutes,” she added.  watch

19 Comments on Jill Biden helps Joe off stage after disastrous debate showing: ‘This says it all’

  1. She is an ELDER ABUSER. And ANYONE who has ever spent time around or cared for someone with dementia of any kind, knows that this is how they behave, walk, talk, etc.

  2. There’s no way she’s going to give up the money and perks of being First Lady. She cannot care for Joe to allow him to go through this just for her to keep her social status.

  3. It isn’t just his performance. It is the behavior of the media. The same media that tells us that he is fine, has a cold, stutters, a bad night, turns around and claims President Trump is mentally and physically infirm. I have said it before, biden is incompetent, everything he has done should be struck down as null and void.

  4. Although I have little sympathy for Joe Biden as he has always been a POS throughout his career, I do recognize the signs of advanced dementia having cared for both my parents through their late life challenges. My father died of Alzheimer’s after three years and Biden displays many classic symptoms including freezing, confusion, gait and facial expressions. His arrogant grifter wife is nothing more than a selfish trailer trash Barbie who can’t stand the thought of giving up the perks attached to FJB’s office. What a classless woman. She’s almost, but not quite, as nasty as Hillary only due to her lack of any real power.

  5. You’re getting it wrong.

    Any time he doesn’t shit his pants in public can be chalked up as a win for Team Biden.

    What we need be most concerned about is that they have been meeting in the smoky back rooms and bathhouses in and around Washington DC discussing starting a major war so as to claim that the election must be postponed indefinitely. It’s just what they do. It is preposterous to assume this hasn’t been part of the discussion Democrats and establishment Republicans have been having since the debate.

  6. Actually, her shoes say it all. If you are responsible for steadying an elderly or infirm person, you don’t do it in 4″ stilettos. You wear flats –darn cute flats if the person you are responsible for is your husband, or sneakers if it’s your grampa. But this woman has her priorities all wrong. If Joe stumbles, I hope she snaps her ankle and her designer heels.

  7. JDHASTY – I’ ve kinda wondered if we’ll see an up tick in terrorism (God protect us) or civil unrest due to the illegals that will supposedly create a scenario to postpone/delay/suspend the election as a September/October surprise especially after Obama is named Vice President…

  8. Imagine me holding my thumb and index finger an eighth inch apart and saying: “they’re about this far away from rolling that dirty old bastard out on a two-wheel dolly wearing a Hanibal Lector mask!”

  9. If Bidet were 45 and permanently wheelchair bound, it would not affect his mental functioning. It’s his non-functioning brain that is an issue. People who vote for a non-functioning brain have one themselves.


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