Jill Biden Whines on Nantucket: ‘Every Time You Turn Around’ Joe Hit with Another Crisis – IOTW Report

Jill Biden Whines on Nantucket: ‘Every Time You Turn Around’ Joe Hit with Another Crisis

Long story short. The Taco Belle claimed nothing is Joe’s fault, but it is YOURS.

Breitbart: First lady Jill Biden complained in front of donors in Nantucket on Saturday, while delivering a speech at a fundraiser.

Speaking about her husband, President Joe Biden, the first lady appeared saddened by what was happening to the world during his presidency.

“He had so many hopes and plans for things he wanted to do, but every time you turned around, he had to address the problems of the moment,” she said.

Biden spoke to about two dozen guests at the fundraiser for the Democrat National Committee, setting aside her prepared remarks for a frank discussion.

“He’s just had some many things thrown his way,” she said. “Who would have ever thought about what happened … Roe v Wade? Well, maybe we saw it coming,but still we didn’t believe it.” more

29 Comments on Jill Biden Whines on Nantucket: ‘Every Time You Turn Around’ Joe Hit with Another Crisis

  1. Eat shit, fucktard. Joetato IS the crisis — of course he’s having his strings pulled, but sooner or later the curtain will be pulled back.

  2. “The Taco Belle”………….nice, wish I thought of it.

    “but every time you turned around, he had to address the problems of the moment,”

    Yeah, that is the job, and of course, he is struggling since he was never qualified for it in the first place.

    And how much of a pussy do you have to be to have to send your wife out on the stump to make excuses for you?

  3. “He had so many hopes and plans for things he wanted to do, but every time you turned around, he had to address the problems of the moment”

    Oh, FFS…waaaaaaa waaaaaa

    Problems of the moment? Like a tanked economy, uncontrolled crime and border, making a mess of Middle East politics, enabling China and all other adversaries, embarrassing the once greatest country ever, begging for oil we could/should produce?

    Fuck you, Joe, Jill, and Hunter Biden.

  4. I just heard they expanded the criteria for assisted suicide just north of the border…. now it includes mental illness, sadness, old age.

    How do we get FJB and Jill to Canada?

  5. @Fritz ~ don’t forget the Afghanistan Debacle & his traitorous ‘Biden, Inc.’, selling out the US, w/ that neer-do-well scumbag son of his

  6. Sit down & shut up, you insufferable bitch. Face the facts, you & your entire grifting family are despised. Your husband is & always has been a doddering buffoon. You got what you wanted. Now, you seem to be channeling the Obama’s. Everything that goes wrong can’t possibly be the husk’s fault, we are just too stooooopid to understand his obvious genius at work, according to him & you. Keep talking Frau Doktor. I feel so sorry for you & the husk. Going to Nantucket, going to your beach houses in Delaware, jetting around the world. Jesus, such an awful life indeed. We will ALL be so much better off once you & Joe are just a footnote of idiocy in our history.

  7. Joe is hit with crisis after crisis in which joe and obama created first
    Jill has Joe pumped up with so many amphetamines he has reduced himself to the babblings, incoherence and insanity of Hitler. Doctor Jill gets his meds from Hunter. Hitler used the Nazi to eliminate Jews, Joe will use Russian nukes to eliminate his 80+ million voters this fall, along with “the land of every unclean spirit” USA.
    Dear Lord protect us from this evil until we are called away

  8. Yea, they think Trump left a mess they had to clean up, but just wzit till the next president has to clean up this fools mess, if it can be cleaned up at all.

  9. First part is that Joe Biden can’t ‘turn around’ since his dementia-saturated brain finds it difficult to do so and can’t make that small turn. In brain dementia the inability to turn even casually is often referred to as ‘hesitation’. Secondly, every ‘crisis’ the slobby Biden woman claims is of Joe Biden’s own making and engineering, and of which the underhanded grifter planned to do from the start and continues to engage. Looks like that compulsive chronic lying isn’t limited to that-guy Joe Biden.

  10. Huh, sounds like problems only an actual President can address, Whore. Perhaps he should surrender his stolen office and let the truly elected President, Donald Trump, take care of it.

    Then you can go back to Delaware with your pedophile fool and await your justly deserved hanging while the man who turned around the mess The Indonesian made addresses the evil that Brandon wrought as well.

  11. It’s all over when these low-lifes start crying “Victim”!
    This is the beginng of the end for the Delaware Dumbshit!
    He’s waaay over his head… along with the Commies controling this ass-muppett! When the grinning imbecile had to brag about his IQ, it was imediately obvious that Jackass Joe was running on empty! Meanwhile the Chi-Comms continue with their Hostile Take-over of the greatest nation on Earth!!


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