Jill Biden’s press secretary erupts over commentary critical of Joe – IOTW Report

Jill Biden’s press secretary erupts over commentary critical of Joe


Jill Biden’s press secretary has erupted over a critical commentary from Fox News that pointed out President Biden’s fading mental abilities, and pinpointed some of the blame for having  him in that condition as president.

The Hill reported Michael LaRosa on Monday complained, “This is disgusting. @RCamposDuffy and @FoxNews know better. They can do better and their viewers deserve better. I hope they’ll apologize to the First Lady and leave this kind of talk in the [trash] where it belongs.”

However, in her commentary, weekend host Rachel Campos-Duffy had done nothing more than point out the obvious, Joe Biden’s diminishing mental state, and suggested those who knew him best undoubtedly knew of his condition as he launched his bid for the presidency.

She explained the most “patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband, to love her husband, and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in. … I think she failed the country as well.” more

25 Comments on Jill Biden’s press secretary erupts over commentary critical of Joe

  1. Her better than us, arrogant, bit**y, I’m a DOCTOR act was old the first time. She can get ticked off at us peasants all she wants. Her husband is a cheating, pedophile, bribed puppet suffering from dementia.

  2. I thought this withered old hag was supposed to be “teaching” at some community college somewhere. At least that’s what they promised she would be doing… Do you suppose they lied to us???

  3. Suck it. OWN it. You pushed this dipshit on us KNOWING that he couldn’t pour piss out of a boot. Now we’re being set up for a 25th amendment. Who’ll be in charge then? We’re screwed as a country.

  4. she should remember- ‘sometimes you just have to swallow’
    she got what she wanted
    we didn’t, but she did
    suck it up bitch, its just getting started

  5. Beachmom
    AUGUST 23, 2021 AT 3:13 PM
    “…Her husband is a cheating, pedophile, bribed puppet suffering from dementia.”

    …as someone who never shortens a post because I always have to run into the weeds, permit me to salute you for the best, most concise, and yet most complete and most damning description of the neurosypillipic pedo EVER, I honor you for your clarity in brevity and envy you for that ability which I do not posess…

  6. Up here in the whitest state in the nation, every other DHHS (all democrat, union employees) state vehicle has a bumpah stickah that says “There’s no excuse for Elder abuse”.
    I guess that doesn’t pertain to their favorite pedo, Joe.

  7. Actually, I just realized I had to be reminded Jill was first lady.

    Seriously, who thinks of her as first lady?

    I see nothing graceful about Jill. Melania was legit. Jill is what you get when you force your will on the populace.

    I can only hope the truly bad people get their comeuppance while I’m still alive.

  8. Joe and Jill deserve each other. He’s a corrupt, plagiarizing child sniffer with delusions of grandeur. She’s an insecure, also-ran trophy-wife gold-digger who wanted to be first lady so bad, she was willing to throw her husband under the bus to get there.

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