Jill will have to share the spotlight, and she’ll hate that – IOTW Report

Jill will have to share the spotlight, and she’ll hate that

Patriot Retort:

I’ve said before that Jill Biden pushed her brain-scrambled husband to run for President out of a vainglorious desire to become First Lady. For eight years she watched as the media shined a glaring spotlight on the dumpy, photogenically-challenged Michelle Obama.

For eight years Jill saw how a First Lady can be transformed into a celebrity.

And boy, is she eager to get that bright spotlight pointing her way.

Anyone vain enough to insist on the honorific “Doctor” for a crap EdD degree would gnaw off her own arm to get the Michelle Obama treatment.

Gnaw off her own arm, or in a pinch, shove her senile, desiccated husband into a presidential race despite his brain turning to Farina. Whichever.

Jill is thirsty for the media spotlight and fawning adoration that Michelle enjoyed for eight glorious years.

Problem is, Jill faces a couple obstacles that Michelle didn’t have.

SEE Also:

Blair House basement prepared for incoming President-elect.

25 Comments on Jill will have to share the spotlight, and she’ll hate that

  1. Reminds me of how Sarah Brady used to abuse Jim’s corpse, by pushing him in front of all her gun confiscation schemes.

    I’m sure she’s WARM & TOASTY now, though!!! 😳 😳 😳

  2. Dr. Of Education.

    With the current state of Government Mandated Curriculum the students and society would be better served learning from the school custodians. At least they would learn something practical.

  3. Ladies and Gentlemen. Place your bets!! Who will get more coverage? Jill or Kamalaka Ding Dong? I am betting Kamalaka Ding Dong because he will be president within the next month or two (my opinion)

  4. She has been silent about Joe and Hunter’s business corruption with China and Ukraine.

    And that makes her complicit in the crimes. She will have to do hard prison time, too.

  5. RogerF
    JANUARY 16, 2021 AT 4:55 PM
    “Ladies and Gentlemen. Place your bets!!”

    …who do you like for Kunty’s veep? Hillzebub, Mooch, or Piglosi?

    …before you answer, remember it will NOT be HER choice, and it will go to whoever would do the most damage to the County the quickest and most vindictive.

    …with that in mind, I would have said Hillz myself except they’ve been keeping her out of sight, and Mooch is too lazy to really be a good retributionist, so I think its Nasty for the win…

  6. RogerF
    JANUARY 16, 2021 AT 5:08 PM

    …the reason I didn’t put AOC out there is that, while certainly amoral and petty enough, she hasn’t had years and years to stoke her anger and plot the deaths of her adversaries, mentally fondling their disembodied heads and making them smile and frown the way that I’m sure Hillary and Nancy have, probably obsessively, thought about just that and worse.

    Also she doesn’t feel slighted by irredeemable deplorables the way Hilz does. She probably never even MET one in her district, so she can’t be counted on to swing the scythe through THEM with the degree of hatred that those old broads would.

    Too, since they ARE old, like the devil they know their time is short, so they know they have to kill as many as they can as fast as they can to try to placate their dark master before he claims them forever.

    AOC is still young enough to think she’s immortal, so she’ll figure she can draw it out, you know, relish it.

    And they want us dead NOW. Not next year, NOW.

    …and that is why I can’t place my chip on Cortexless.

    Shes just not the most evil they have to offer.

  7. @SNS, I agree. Kamalaka Ding Dong will probably select some who is much older so that person wouldn’t. Maybe someone way off the board? Diana DeGette from Colorado? Bill or Melinda Gates? Stacey Abrams?

  8. Here is a way whacked idea – remove Joey through the 25th Amendment and then bring him back as the VP. Kamalaka Ding Dong (forward being mentioned as KDD) would not have to worry about him replacing her and he wouldn’t know that he was demoted

  9. If Weinstein ever gets out of jail, I’m hoping he’ll produce a music video of Kamalface and PseudoDr.Jill doing a duet of Paul Simon’s “We’ve Got Diamonds On The Soles Of Our Shoes”.

  10. Just wondering what all those miserable troops are really in DC for? Sleeping on the floor, marching in the rain, no bathrooms, no showers? no kitchen? I did see crates of candy bars and piles of bottled water. Whatever they are there for, they will be in a plenty BAD mood.

  11. That’s alright. She won’t be FLOTUS very long.
    I predict the Dems will employ the 25th Amendment to remove Sleepy Joe and annoint Kamala by May 1st.


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