Jim Acosta is Reintroduced back into the Press Briefing Room – IOTW Report

Jim Acosta is Reintroduced back into the Press Briefing Room

Carpe Donktum has the scoop!

3 Comments on Jim Acosta is Reintroduced back into the Press Briefing Room

  1. Did I miss where this donkey took ANY responsibility for all this Press room nonsense?!

    I hope my fellow citizens will make it a point to make this selfish, childish jerk’s life miserable any chance they get.

    ACTION PLAN: If CNN is playing on any TV in any public waiting room, reach up and change the channel to ANYTHING else. At the car dealership, in a doctor’s office, etc.

    —I’ve done it many times, and the other folks waiting look up and smile at the act (if they react at all).

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