Jim Caviezel Calls Joe Biden A “Demented Pervert” – IOTW Report

Jim Caviezel Calls Joe Biden A “Demented Pervert”


The star actor of Sound of Freedom Jim Caviezel joined Benny Johnson on Wednesday afternoon and talked about his new box-office hit.

At one point in the conversation, Benny switched things up and ask Caviezel what he thought about when he saw Biden nibbling a child last week in Finland.

Caviezel responded to Benny’s question by saying  “I would never let a demented pervert like this anywhere near my children.”

13 Comments on Jim Caviezel Calls Joe Biden A “Demented Pervert”

  1. “I would never let a demented pervert like this anywhere near my children.”

    But many parents would, sadly. These same parents take their toddlers to drag queen story hour, innoculate them with every experimental vaccine touted by the corrupt CDC, turn a blind eye to agenda-driven Marxist teachers who teach them to hate their country and their skin color, and expose them to a clearly sick individual who is gratifying himself sexually, causing untold trauma to the kids. The parents are equally culpable, if not more so.

  2. I wonder if joey is going to see the new shitty Barbie movie and fantasize about sniffing Barbie’s hair. Maybe joey and jill can go on out for date night and see this train wreck of a lousy movie. If my girls were still young and wanted me to take them to see the new Barbie movie I would flat out tell them, not a chance in hell.

  3. Benny Johnson actually said that “I would never let a demented pervert like this anywhere near my children” – Not Caviezel. However Mr. Caviezel did go on to say that the Secret service would’ve tackled him ’cause he would’ve “popped” pedo Joe had he tried nibbling on any of his children.

  4. Let’s get clear: If you support the democrat party, IN ANY WAY, you support pedophilia and all its related evil. The republicans haven’t yet taken the stance that raping innocent children is a human right, though with the kind of -Romney-Graham, etc- people in leadership one wonders how long that might hold.


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