Jim Comey used his personal email account to conduct sensitive government business – IOTW Report

Jim Comey used his personal email account to conduct sensitive government business

LifeZette: Even after Hillary Clinton endured shame, official inquiry and far more for using a personal email server that she had installed at her mansion up in Chappaqua, New York, it’s now been revealed that fired FBI director Jim Comey — during his tenure as the nation’s top law enforcement officer — used his private email account “hundreds” of times to conduct official government business.

“And at least seven of those messages [from Jim Comey] were deemed so sensitive by the Justice Department” that the department would not release them.  as The New York Post reported on Friday night.

Comey repeatedly had said he only used his private email account for “incidental” purposes and that he never used it for any classified matter, and that part of the story may be true, as The Post also noted in an exclusive piece.

(For what it’s worth, Comey also urged as many Americans as possible this year to vote for Democrats in the 2018 midterms.)

But the Justice Department acknowledged — in response to a Freedom of Information request — “that Comey and his chief of staff discussed government business on about 1,200 pages of messages.”


A conservative watchdog group, the Cause of Action Institute, filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit for Comey’s personal emails while he worked for the FBI.

The Justice Department, in turn, replied that there “were an eye-popping 1,200 pages of messages for Comey and his chief of staff that met the criteria,” noted The Post.

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7 Comments on Jim Comey used his personal email account to conduct sensitive government business

  1. Is there ANYTHING a Democrat official or politician can do to cause them to be arrested and jailed? Let’s see, we have perjury, voter fraud, election fraud, failure to comply with a court order, treason, sedition, sex with underage prostitutes, theft, operating an ongoing criminal enterprise, obstruction of justice, probably murder too. I’m sure this is just a partial list. Why are they immune to prosecution?

  2. Ah..that’s the reason he didn’t go after Hillary and friends, he was equally as guilty. Time to put some serrated teeth in the laws and enforce it fully to put an end to the practice of protecting the upper crust folks.

  3. And he was judge and jury on HRC email probe?
    Total conflict of interest. Many time wrote than any reason Sessions used for recusal.
    Time for AG Whitaker to take another look.


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