Jim DeMint: Why I Met With Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg – IOTW Report

Jim DeMint: Why I Met With Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg

DeMint_Jim_TDS_lo I made it clear that Facebook has every right to be as biased as it wants to be as a private company, and conservatives have every right to look elsewhere for social platforms if they feel Facebook is silencing them. But if Facebook promises its users an unbiased platform for the free exchange of ideas – all ideas – then it should keep that promise.

TheDailySignal:  [Jim DeMint] This election season has made many Americans even more cynical about our democratic system of government. There is clearly political upheaval underway in America and around the world. This massive disturbance of the status quo has been fueled in large part by more people getting better, faster information from many sources on the internet.

Previously, news on political debates was controlled by a few powerful newspapers or broadcast television. The New York Times, which used to set the daily agenda for national media coverage, had the motto “all the news that’s fit to print.”

But who decided what was “fit” for the public to know?

Powerful politicians could build alliances with a few editors and together control what information was available to the public and what was kept unseen, deemed “unfit” for them. The internet, with its hundreds of media outlets, blogs, and social platforms, has completely changed the way news is shared and consumed, pulling back the curtain on secrets Washington had long protected.


6 Comments on Jim DeMint: Why I Met With Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg

  1. I hope I don’t turn out to have been a Pollyanna, but this is why I remain cautiously optimistic about our future—as technology advances, I’m hopeful that more people will “see the light “. Communism cannot withstand exposure to light.

  2. Isn’t Facebook a public company listed on the NASDAQ? I seem to remember there was quite the kerfluffle when after the IPO one of the founders sold all their stock and headed out of the US about the same time some not so great information about the company became public. Not really bad stuff but info that would have affected the IPO price. Anyway, Zuckerberg will have a lot to answer for if a “clean” audit of the books is ever done.

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