Jim Jordan Exposes Jerry Nadler During AG Barr Hearing – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan Exposes Jerry Nadler During AG Barr Hearing

Dan Bongino: Representative Jim Jordan indirectly confronted Jerry Nadler with reality during his opening statement at AG William Barr’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee today.

Just days ago Nadler, presumably motivated by his acknowledgement of the bad optics of his ideological equals burning down their own cities, decided to simply ignore that any riots were still occurring.

Nadler was approached by journalist Austen Fletcher who asked if he disavowed the violent riots nationwide and in Portland, to which he replied “That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.” Nadler again repeated the myth that the riots are a myth when asked again specifically about Portland, which has had riots for two months straight.

During his opening statement, Jordan played minutes of video footage of the riots while Nadler watched…Needless to say, Nadler wasn’t pleased with the montage.

18 Comments on Jim Jordan Exposes Jerry Nadler During AG Barr Hearing

  1. After seeing the door dents on the car Jabba the Nadler slithered into after denying riots to Fleccas, it doesn’t surprise me one bit he was in a car accident. I just wish the battle for the last dozen donuts, that likely caused the accident, had a different, more impactful, outcome.

  2. Great the way he snuck the visual truth into the narrative.

    I doubt CNN would show this opening statement and since I do not watch I have no way of knowing.

  3. That fat fukin’ rolly polly commie POS needs to be rolled out in front of a fast moving truck in the interstate! The driver would feel a slight thump and have his entire undercarriage greased at the same time!

  4. PBS of course wouldn’t show a split screen of Nadler throughout the video. But a FOX affiliate on YouTube did.

    Jerry was nervously fiddling with his mask much of the time. He didn’t know whether to shit in it or put it back on. So he did both.

    The only thing missing was Flecca asking Nads if he supported antifa “protesters” in Portland. To which Nads replied, “that’s a myth”. Shoulda rolled that in with the credits.

  5. The travesty against Barr at that hearing today was obscene. It was truly unbelievable the way they behaved.

    Hopefully it will help him to nut up and start indicting these fuckwads.

  6. I saw the clip show live on fox. At first I was confused as to why democrats would willingly show that then I realized that they wouldn’t and that it was obviously Jim Jordan.

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