Jim Jordan For Speaker? – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan For Speaker?

Daily Caller: House Freedom Caucus (HFC) co-founder Jim Jordan detailed his vision for the United States at a conservative conference on May 17, adding further speculation the stalwart is angling for a bid to take over for outgoing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

It is time to get back to the basics of American life: God, family and country, Jordan told the crowd gathered. He harked on other values, like discipline, dedication, a sense of service to others, and a life grounded in religion. All of these, Jordan contends, are what is needed to keep America strong, safe and prosperous in the future. more here

13 Comments on Jim Jordan For Speaker?

  1. Wouldn’t it be great to have a straight-shooter as the voice of the House? Jeeze, after Boehner and then Ryan…we deserve a truthful man in there.

  2. Jim Jordan would be great in the speakers seat.
    He will take a stand and fight for what is right.
    With a little help he will learn how to make a deal.

  3. Jordon would be a great choice.
    The GOP establishment, part of the swamp, don’t want constitution over political control OR principles over politics.

    Let’s see what the new representatives, who are funded by the NRCC and Ryan’s Pac, will do. Will they stand on principles or will they roll-over for the establishment.

  4. I know little about Jim. But I do know the leftist/Progressive from Cal the Bush/Rove folk are pushing would be another charlatan like the last 2 Speakers.

    “The enemy of my enemy …”

    Jim can may be as anti Ronnie as Mac. …. can he?

  5. I’ve been wanting Jordan as speaker since he announced his interest. How did the idiot McCarthy wind up in such a high position so soon in his time there? Rhetorical question, he’s a dimwit and ass kisser and will backstab us just like his handlers want. Jordan is a fighter and isn’t shy about confronting these slimes and would be perfect for the job.

  6. Jordan would be a great choice. A fighter and yet a humble guy.

    I attended a fund raiser for Dave Brat a few years ago and it turned out that I was seated next to Jordan. He came in and as I rose to shake his hand he put his hand on my shoulder and told me to sit down. He said “you’re paying my salary, remember?”

    We chatted quite a bit and he didn’t seem to mind that I’m a nobody. A really decent guy.


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