Jim Jordan Knows Exactly How To Expose The Entire “Counterintelligence Operation” – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan Knows Exactly How To Expose The Entire “Counterintelligence Operation”

Conservative Treehouse: It would be EXPLOSIVE if it turned out the October 2016 FISA warrant was gained by use of the Christopher Steele dossier. That’s a critical and key element to the sunlight upon the entire enterprise.

If the counterintelligence FISA warrant was obtained through deception, misleading/manipulated information, or fraud; and that warrant is what led to the wiretapping and surveillance of candidate Donald Trump and General Flynn; and that warrant was authorized by FISA Court Judge Contreras –who was the judge in Flynn’s case, and is now recused– the entire tenuous FBI and DOJ operation begins to collapse.

The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone. The back-story contains both the FBI and the DOJ scheme. Expose it, remove it, and the entire ‘muh Russia’ conspiracy fraud collapses under the weight of sunlight.  Read more—Rep. Jim Jordan reacts to FBI Director Wray hearing

13 Comments on Jim Jordan Knows Exactly How To Expose The Entire “Counterintelligence Operation”

  1. It certainly is looking like that is what happened. But don’t look for it to change the minds of the hopelessly fucked in the head progtard legions. They just spew the garbage they’re told to spew without an ounce of analytic thinking filtering any of it. They don’t know how to do that.

  2. I’m beginning to see a pattern. Nelson say’s Roy Moore signed her school year book. He says he didn’t and tells her to produce the book for the sunlight of analysis. She won’t. It would be the easiest thing in the world for her to do and you’d think she would want to confirm for the world to see that what she said is true.

    Jordan says here’s my theory, prove me wrong. All the FBI has to do is hand over the FISA paperwork/301’s/memos/etc. and who created them and, in fact, because the congress has statutory oversight of that process, they should. But the FBI is stalling and now face contempt charges for similar stone-walling of documents. You would think the FBI would want to produce whatever documents exist that would prove Jim Jordan wrong.


    Face it. They are like the muslims. They plan 50 years ahead, and plan the OUTCOME first that they want, then plug in how to achieve that in reverse.

    Goal: get rid of the 2nd Amendment
    -Allow American guns to run to Mexico
    -Track the guns.
    -When they kill our own citizens with them, we will get outrage and sympathy, and force changes in gun laws.

    The democrats are always step-by-step scheming to corrupt their way to the top.
    Housing crisis, Benghazi, Uranium 1, Clinton Foundation, now this Russia nonsense. They are always preparing and scheming, kicking people off the ballot, counting felons, dead people, fake voter registrations.

    Hard to keep up.

  4. I’m happy to say Jim Jordan is my representative.

    If we had a leader at DOJ and a responsive Director of the FBI the documents would be released to the House Judiciary Committee.

  5. Comey’s and Mueller’s FBI needs to be aired out, fumigated and reorganized with untainted agents, who don’t owe allegiance to Obama and the Clintons. This whole train wreck can’t be swept away now. None of this would have been exposed if President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton had been enthroned. This really shows how deep the rot was in Obama’s eight years of fundamental transformative corruption.

  6. There was an ex high ranking DOJ guy on FOX early this morning and he claims he knows these people well. They’re all Obama appointments, and they all think they are doing the right thing. Not a doubt in their minds. Could the Illuminati/NWO be driving this? I have a lot of conservative friends that are reaching that conclusion.

  7. The FIBS don’t Want to see anything released. Representative Jordan is probably correct. The FBI and the DOJ are way over their heads in this. It’s time to let the sunshine in!

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