Jim Jordan launches probe into Fulton County’s 2020 election case against Trump – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan launches probe into Fulton County’s 2020 election case against Trump

JTN– House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan launched a probe Thursday into Fulton County’s probe that resulted in charges against former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants for allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 election results.

Jordan, an Ohio Republican, asked Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, a Democrat, to turn over all documents related to the case. more

22 Comments on Jim Jordan launches probe into Fulton County’s 2020 election case against Trump

  1. More blah blah blah.
    The WHOLE Republican party should RALLY behind Trump. STOP THIS CORRUPT INJUSTICE. All 8 on that Republican stage should’ve announced they were dropping out of the race and getting behind Trump.
    It would DECIMATE the Dems, the deep state, the media, the corrupt DOJ.
    Instead, we are living with a bunch of idiots that are only in it for PERSONAL GAIN! They DO NOT CARE about America.

  2. Super. Captain Obvious and another investigation.

    mr pinko is of course exactly correct. I see Lindsey Graham bad mouthing DJT this morning. The Republican Party is pointless.

  3. I can’t name ONE Republican “investigation” or “probe” that accomplished ANYTHING! At the end of the day duplicitous Republicans have cocktails with duplicitous Democrats.

  4. With the O’Biden DoJ in charge, there’s nothing Jordan can do. It’ll take impeachment of the head of DoJ and the rest of the department heads. And apparently Graham and McConnell and McCarthy haven’t the stomach for it (and they’ve been either bought off or blackmailed).

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