Jim Jordan on Volker Hearing: “Nothing Supported Adam Schiff and Impeachment Narrative” – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan on Volker Hearing: “Nothing Supported Adam Schiff and Impeachment Narrative”

CTH: Judiciary member and ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, Jim Jordan, outlined the House Intelligence Committee testimony today from Kurt Volker, the former State Department Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations. “Nothing said today supported Adam Schiff and the democrats’ impeachment narrative. Nothing.” WATCH

5 Comments on Jim Jordan on Volker Hearing: “Nothing Supported Adam Schiff and Impeachment Narrative”

  1. CBS lead off with “Making the case to Voters for Impeachment.” The founding fathers should have included an Amendment on how to deal with a corrupt press. Oh wait. What about treason?

  2. Left wingers live in Fantastland. Don’t need no laws or procedures. According to one,
    Cannibalism we’ll save the environment. She is he is insane, a pagan, or both.

  3. Jim is not a Rove/Obama/Bush Rep! He is a Ronny/Don/Barry Rep!
    Rove used to put Barry down for , “Extremism in defense of America is not sin!”. Since telling us to vote Clinton Oct 16 Karl has seemingly retreated into his shell. If only Karl would be honest and admit BHO is he leader!

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