Jim Jordan Speaks At Shampeachment II – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan Speaks At Shampeachment II


[2 videos] WATCH HERE

“Nineteen minutes into Trump’s administration at 12:19pm the Washington Post headline was “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun”…Now with just one week left they are still trying.”

SNIP: He is not speaking to dems in Congress. They’re evil. He’s talking to the people outside of DC.

11 Comments on Jim Jordan Speaks At Shampeachment II


    Can’t I have ONE day of work without the entire nation exploding!?!?!?!?

    Impeached by the house.

    Screw this. I’m headed back to the barn….plenty of work to do on the truck…..mutter mutter….was just gonna’ goof off for a while here but nooooooo ….mutter mutter….damn civil wah……

  2. Fourth grade playground clique shit. These inane poltroons create our laws, and they act like sugar-crazed grade school punks.
    I have never been more ashamed of my country’s government.

  3. Impeach the president for investigating a crime, commit voter fraud to install a president who committed the crime. Dems will stop at nothing for complete power.

    It’s time the republicans change their rule book. Simply being against crime/violence and for the rule of law is clearly not working for them. I mean, if repubs are going to get constantly blamed for everything the dems do, why not at least do things they get blamed for?

  4. “I have never been more ashamed of my country’s government.” -flip

    And they’re setting new records of shame on a daily basis.

    They want to PURGE the President and his supporters.

    But it’s the U.S. Federal Government that needs PURGING.


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