Jim Jordan supports FISA reform by requiring warrants to search Americans phone records – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan supports FISA reform by requiring warrants to search Americans phone records

JTN: House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan discusses the importance of his committees investigations and revamping the FISA court system, by requiring the FBI to obtain warrants before they can search Americans’ phone records. Additional interviews with Vice President of the Foreign Policy at ‘Heritage Foundation’ Victoria Coates over Biden acting as the “Hamas lobby” to the Israeli government, and Jason Isaac of the ‘American Energy Institute’ on the Biden administration’s climate change initiatives affecting the wallets of hardworking Americans. more

6 Comments on Jim Jordan supports FISA reform by requiring warrants to search Americans phone records

  1. Anything called FISA “reform” is pig’s lipstick. Underneath it’s still a pig. FISA needs to be repealed (as does the USA PATRIOT Act) root and branch, and all that data overwritten with binary zeros a thousand times. Don’t forget the backups.

  2. FISA – The Patriot Act – same bait and switch used by the government which saddled us with the IRS, popular election of Senators (which killed the “balance of power” enshrined in the Constitution), the Federal Reserve, ObolaCare, Socialist Security and a host of other ills.

    Seems we never learn.
    Oh, heck! grab another beer, there’s a game on!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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