Jim Jordan to run for House speaker following McCarthy’s removal – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan to run for House speaker following McCarthy’s removal

JTN: Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday said he will run to be House speaker, making him the first Republican to announce his intentions to run for the position following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s removal on Tuesday.

Jordan is urging his Republican colleagues to support his bid for speaker, according to a letter from Jordan obtained by Just the News.

“We are at a critical crossroad in our nation’s history,” Jordan wrote. “The problems we face are challenging, but they are not insurmountable.” MORE

15 Comments on Jim Jordan to run for House speaker following McCarthy’s removal

  1. Can he stay on as chairs to his committees and be speaker? I’d like for him to stay on these committees. I think Jordan is more conservative than KM, I think he is better on spending and wants appropriation bills like Gaetz. We will see.

  2. There was only 4% of the House GOP that voted him out. So the planned coup by the House Dems worked. Biden saying McCarthy had a deal with Kevin, was not exactly a truthful statement. Fitting just how fast they went for the baited hook. Biden lie? Of course not, not honest Joe.

  3. Ugh. Beware of Jim “Big Wind Shirtsleeves” Jprdan. Another one of these GOP phony Beauty Pageant assholes who posture, bluster, and in the end produce or accomplish absolutely zilch. This butt hole is in the pocket of Google. Beware.

  4. glad Mccarthy is out.
    Jordan will be just as bad.
    not anyone who wants it will do what is needed.
    swamp rats lining up to stiff the American taxpayer.
    I can’t think of any of the rinos that can do what is needed. they all belong to the club you want out.

  5. This place is toast. The plane isn’t flying, it’s crashing. Those in DC just hope we don’t notice and turn them into dog food before they can flee. And they’re probably right. Really wish I were thirty years younger for…reasons.

  6. One upside of McCarthy’s ouster was the complete betrayal by the Dems of the establishment Republicans. Not that people so stupid as to trust Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t return to her after throwing a public hissy fit. Battered wife syndrome.


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