Jimmy Carter enters hospice care at home – IOTW Report

Jimmy Carter enters hospice care at home

ATLANTA (AP) — Former President Jimmy Carter, who at 98 years old is the longest-lived American president, has entered home hospice care in Plains, Georgia, a statement from The Carter Center confirmed Saturday.

After a series of short hospital stays, the statement said, Carter “decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention.”

The statement said the 39th president has the full support of his medical team and family, which “asks for privacy at this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.”

Carter was a little-known Georgia governor when he began his bid for the presidency ahead of the 1976 election. He went on to defeat then-President Gerald R. Ford, capitalizing as a Washington outsider in the wake of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal that drove Richard Nixon from office in 1974. MORE

20 Comments on Jimmy Carter enters hospice care at home

  1. I’m reading a lot of bad intentions and wishes for Peanut Boy up and down the interweb. This guy didn’t hide who we was when he campaigned. And American women elected him. Bored house wives, soccer moms. I’m wondering if the anger is misplaced.

  2. And while we’re waiting for the countdown to expire, did you know that the half-life a neutron is approximately 611 seconds? As a nuclear engineering officer in the US Navy, Jimmah probably had to know this for about that long, as well.

  3. No doubt, Brad. Wait’ll they bring us ranked-choice voting at the federal level.

    And Anonymous, James Earl Carter was many things, but he wasn’t a pussy. He played at being a softie, but my uncle worked for him in state govt, and said, woth dome admiration what a “vindictive sonovabitch” Carter was. He sure had the lafies fooled.

    Don’t believe the wimp myth. Carter was a stubborn hardass who had to have his way, even when it was bad for him and the country. That was his downfall.

  4. Thirdtwin

    You’re absolutely right, as usual. But Carter represented exactly what he was planning for America when he campaigned. It wasn’t a surprise, like today. If you search that election, women elected him. And Anom is dumber than a box of rocks.

  5. I’ll never forgive that rat bastard for pardoning those draft dodging rat bastards. He spit on the graves of 58,000 GI’s when he did that. May he roast in a lake of fire for eternity.

  6. Q: “Who has the biggest boobs in the Universe?”
    A: “Miss Lillian – Jimmy and Billy.”

    Fuck him and the ignorant assholes who voted for him.
    He was a curse. And a harbinger of worse to come.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Jimmah single handily midwifed The Islamic State of Iran. That’s his gift to humanity; a state the sponsors international terrorism with an emphasis on hate for America and Israel.

    May God have mercy on his soul because I won’t.

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