Jimmy Kimmel Live Forced to Refilm After Code Pink Radicals Disrupt Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

Jimmy Kimmel Live Forced to Refilm After Code Pink Radicals Disrupt Kamala Harris

… and Are Then ‘ASSAULTED AND CHOKED’ by Security.

15 Comments on Jimmy Kimmel Live Forced to Refilm After Code Pink Radicals Disrupt Kamala Harris

  1. FWIW
    CODEPINK – funded by Neville Roy Singham.
    The husband of Code Pink’s co-founder Jodie Evans.
    Currently resides in Shanghai.

    A socialist and supporter of Maoism, according to The New York Times, Singham has helped fund causes and groups that promote pro-Chinese government messages.

  2. “Jimmy Kimmel Live Forced to Refilm …”

    Am I missing something here? I thought “Live” meant “in real time” and impossible to re-film.

    Or just another media lie?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF……and you know the rest.
    No sympathy for either Kimmel or Code Puke.

  4. Internecine squabbles among factions within the progressive movement manifest in violence. Who knew? It is a feature of perpetual infancy, progressivism is another name for perpetual infancy


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