Jindal: Trump ‘looks like he’s got a squirrel sitting on his head’ – IOTW Report

Jindal: Trump ‘looks like he’s got a squirrel sitting on his head’

Race to hit Trump hardest has Republican candidates sharpening their one-liners.

bobby jindal

39 Comments on Jindal: Trump ‘looks like he’s got a squirrel sitting on his head’

  1. I like the line about Trump’s name not being in the Bible
    (to me, that’s at least good comedy by satirizing Trump’s ego…there’s gotta be a kernel of truth in a good jioke)
    but this was just childish and pointless, only detracting from Jindal and doing nothing to Trump.

  2. I await Trump’s zinger…

    The most effective one may be not to respond at all. 0-1%? Worth my time?

    I think it took him a day to figure out the Syrian invasion is like the Mexican invasion, only far more threatening. Either way, it’s a long way to November 2016, and a lot can happen.

    Oh, and Bobby, try patching all those fucking potholes on Bourbon St. that fill up with dirty water and puke every day. I saw some poor guy step into one ankle deep, swamping his shoe! Ecccchhhh!

    Not against you, Bobby, and I know you want to break out of the bottom tier. Do it with ideas. I’m listening.

  3. Insulting someone’s looks is funny and socially acceptable…….Unless you that someone is a woman. Remember, women are equal but you can’t make fun of them. Same for “people of color”

  4. Everybody has to play his part. Stupid fucking Republicans will tear each other to shreds while there won’t be a discouraging word spoken about the socialists by the socialists.

    They will never learn.

    Quit doing the socialists’ job for them!

    You have to wonder if this level of stupidity is orchestrated, or if these assholes are REALLY this fucking dumb.

    Shut The Fuck Up! Tell me your plan to make America, America again – then let the next guy tell me HIS plan! Then I’ll decide!

    What a novel approach to a Republic!

  5. just watch and see who piles on Trump and who doesn’t.

    It looks like Trump has already found an ally in Cruz.

    Sort of a high stakes Survivor Island.

    16 contestants, who will survive? What alliances will be made? Who will betray who? Find out tonight, on REPUBLICAN SURVIVOR.

  6. I never gave Jindal much praise because I never was really sure about him. It seems he is a little squirrely.

    OT: The “Visit Iran” posters link at the above link is worth clicking on too.

  7. Most people don’t know it, but Daniel Boone was also a good architect. It was during his time on the Mississippi River that he designed and built the docks that still bear his name…


  8. these spats are like the closed room shots they have on these reality shows, they go in the room and say how they REALLY feel about so and so and they rant on who said what to who and how they will make an alliance with so and so and then betray them to REALLY have an alliance with such and such and can you believe what she said about me I can’t believe that! she’s such a bitch! And that hair, can you believe it? It looks like she’s got a squirrel on her head!

  9. Yeah Bob, Cruz and Trump have formed quite an alliance. There is a rumor on the internet that Trump and Cruz have promised to make the other VP should either win the nomination.

  10. Heck, I don’t want any of them to be president! I like Trump because he’s giving conniptions to all the professional pols and pundits, and he’s so entertaining. If I can’t have the policies I know to be in liberty’s best interests, I’ll Trumps in-yer-face kind of personality.

  11. It appears Bobby Jindal is trying to use a bit of Trump’s tonic. He should leave it to the pros. Bobby Jindal is definitely no dumbass, though. We can use him. Don’t throw rocks. We need him to have a seat at the table.

  12. “This will be a gift to Trump”. Agreed. Bad move by Jindal – tossing insults at Trump is just playing to his stength. Smacks a bit of desperation, but I guess at this point Jindal doesn’t have a lot to lose given his poll numbers.

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