JK Rowling is a Vile Piece of Sh*t – IOTW Report

JK Rowling is a Vile Piece of Sh*t

*Spicy Language ahead*


No Trump didn’t ignore a disabled boy, you utter moron.


BFH interruption –

An even bigger piece of turd is writer JEN MILLS for The Metro.

She wrote a piece, was corrected by the readership, she acknowledged the readership in the comments section, AND STILL WON’T CORRECT THE RECORD!!!!!

This is STILL the Headline-

Donald Trump ‘ignored little boy in wheelchair when he tried to shake hands’

This woman is excrement.


18 Comments on JK Rowling is a Vile Piece of Sh*t

  1. Yellow journalists. But worse, they are shartists. So deranged they stand in the street sharting with no pants as their morons and chatbots cheer, “give us more, give us more diseased shart! It’s beautiful excrement!”

  2. She actually stole 90% of the Harry Potter universe from a less well known writer’s earlier novel. With reckless shamelessness Rowling just plagiarized the plot, the magic-school universe, even the original author ‘s terminology (“muggles”, etc).
    The original author sued and won a large UK settlement for plagiarism ( but only a pittance compared to the mega franchise that is Potter Inc).
    So yes, she’s a POS.


    We are still stomping out the flames of “Donald Trump made fun of a disabled person!” lie.

    It’s not intended to be truthful, it’s intended to be hurtful. They will continue the lie because they hurt and they want others to be hurt knowing it’s a lie that’s difficult to convince others about. When you protest the lie, it comforts them that you are also in distress.

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