Joan Rivers Calls President “Gay,” Michelle Obama “Tranny” – IOTW Report

Joan Rivers Calls President “Gay,” Michelle Obama “Tranny”

I’m not linking this stupid friggin site. They censored the term TRANNY in the title.

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TRANNY? I want to write that one bigger.


Let’s make it in red-


It’s called Gossipcop. AVOID THEM. They are jerks .

Now here’s Joan –


28 Comments on Joan Rivers Calls President “Gay,” Michelle Obama “Tranny”

  1. This is news? Oh…right. We’re not supposed to say anything about Preezy DownLow.

    Apparently they started counting Reggie Love’s handjobs and it made the unemployment rate go down. Which then gets into the fuzzy math of how many handjobs have been created or saved by this administration.

    As far as the Mooch being a tranny, I don’t think she’s a man. She just never learned how to be a woman because she was too busy trying to be black.

  2. Having Mrs. Robinson live in the Obama menagerie may just keep her quiet about what she knows – but whichever way this blows, Mooch is an unhappy person, that much is clear. If I was trapped under a Hummer, stuck in a burning house or needed Heimliched I’d be happy she showed up, otherwise she can keep her food groups to herself.

  3. That joke is as old as Joan’s last face stretch. They’re coming out of the woodwork now that he’s in lame duck season.

    None of you sonsabitches can rehabilitate yourselves. Ever.

  4. The joke is on the Obamas doubly.

    I hope they realize that one of the things REAL, PATRIOTIC Americans (i.e. not them) are celebrating this day is freedom of speech, which Joan Rivers has always used to her advantage wonderfully.

    Take THAT, you insufferable traitors!

  5. One of Obama and the left’s favorite Alinsky rules works against them, too.

    The fact that so many are joining in on the ridicule shows how low the Americans’ opinion of the Obamas has fallen.

    RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

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