Joaquin Castro (D-CA) outed his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters – IOTW Report

Joaquin Castro (D-CA) outed his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters


Trump donors whose names and employers were posted in a highly controversial tweet by Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro blasted the Texas congressman on Wednesday for what they described as a “ridiculous” stunt and, in interviews with Fox News, rejected his claim that they are “fueling a campaign of hate” against Hispanics.

One of those Trump donors even revealed he’s also been a supporter of local Democratic lawmakers—including Castro himself.

Wayne Harwell, the owner of a local real estate development company whose name appeared on the list Castro shared on Monday night, told Fox News in a phone interview that he donated money to Castro’s congressional campaign. But he suggested that after Castro outed him in a bid to shame Trump supporters, he won’t be supporting Castro anymore.

“I was also on a list of people that gave to Castro and if he dislikes me enough that he wants to put my name out there against Trump, I’m not going to give money to him,” Harwell told Fox News. “Obviously Castro feels pretty strongly against me.” more here

6 Comments on Joaquin Castro (D-CA) outed his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters

  1. On his show today, Larry Elder played part of an interview someone (Fox?) had with Castro’s brother, asking him what the goal was to doxing Trump supporters. Castro just kept saying, “It wasn’t so they would be harassed.” Lies will send you straight to Hell, you know.


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