Joe Barton (R-TX) Apologizes After A Picture Of His Junk Surfaces Online – IOTW Report

Joe Barton (R-TX) Apologizes After A Picture Of His Junk Surfaces Online

COTR: Well, this is gross.

Republican Congressman Joe Barton has issued an awkward apology. Somehow, a picture of his junk made in on the internet.

Barton, who announced his re-election bid earlier this month, is navigating in a political environment charged with emerging stories of sexual misbehavior in politics, in business and in the media. The photo, which appeared on an anonymous Twitter account, set off speculation within Texas GOP circles about his political future.

In a phone interview with The Texas Tribune on Tuesday, Barton said he was deliberating that.

“You’re as aware of what was posted as I am,” he said. “I am talking to a number of people, all of whom I have faith in and am deciding how to respond, quite frankly.”

A spokeswoman for Barton said Wednesday that he had no plans to resign and had filed for re-election.


But he wants everyone to know that his sexual relationships were consensual. And they were all of age, OK?!

“While separated from my second wife, prior to the divorce, I had sexual relationships with other mature adult women,” he said. “Each was consensual. Those relationships have ended. I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down.”  See more

SNIP:  No, I didn’t go look at the entire photo. What you see on this post is enough to make me laugh pretty hard [The moobs!!!]. That’s enough for me.  At least he owned up to it.

OK,  Texas readers. Tell me about this guy.

h/t Susan.

31 Comments on Joe Barton (R-TX) Apologizes After A Picture Of His Junk Surfaces Online

  1. There are some things I just assume everyone is smart enough to know.

    You don’t run with scissors.
    You don’t eat the paste.
    And you don’t transmit photos of yourself slapping the cobra.

    Isn’t that just common sense?

  2. His stupidity dwarfs his weewee peepee.

    A sitting Congressman sending video of himself masturbating to some hookup he’s “dating”. So of course it winds up on the Webz.

    He’s even dumber than Anthony Weiner.

    I don’t expect to be able to say that very often.

  3. He texted the picture to a girlfriend. So it wasn’t harassment or an unwanted advance. Don’t conflate this with Weiner.

    Seems to me he is a victim of revenge porn.

    Which is why I say never, EVER transmit any picture you wouldn’t want the whole world to see.

  4. @Sally: That was my thought exactly: “I’d better get my garage cleaned out quick before anyone sees it and takes a picture of it.”

    I never knew that was such a big deal here in Texas.


  5. @Dianny: That’s similar to the old lawyer’s advice (given long before such pictures existed): “Never write anything in a signed letter that you wouldn’t want read in an open courtroom.”


    This fat ugly nerd gets more ass than most of us ever did.

    “While separated from my SECOND wife, prior to the divorce, I had sexual relationships with other mature adult WOMEN.”



  7. “You’re as aware of what was posted as I am,” he said. “I am talking to a number of people, all of whom I have faith in and am deciding how to respond, quite frankly.”

    And he did respond…quite frankly.

  8. I’ve been thinking lately, and sadly, what the founders would think of this crew. Every one of these people would be packed off to a 1790’s era nuthouse, never to be heard or seen again.

  9. Barton is done. He’s a bible thumper that’s been reelected without problem about 15 times. I’ve sat in on a few meetings with him. Not really my kind of guy, but I wouldn’t have expected this.

  10. “I’d like to recognize my honorable colleague and Representative from the great state of Texas, Mr. Dickpic… Oh!… Sorry Joe!… Haha!… Freudians slip… Haha!… (snort)… (snerk)… BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaaa!!!!…”

    We really are a kakistocrisy now. I’m in better shape than that fat slob (which isn’t saying much), and I’d kill anyone, including myself, to prevent anyone taking a naked picture of me, especially one like that.

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