Joe Being Joe – IOTW Report

Joe Being Joe


17 Comments on Joe Being Joe

  1. Additional Cialis warnings include:
    Never give Cialis to alcoholics who can’t count past three, tell off-color dwarf jokes, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity and wax poetically about Villages commercials.
    Aditionally, ff you’re Joe Biden, it may also result in random babbling about taking long walks on the beach with the love of your life only to arrested for wandering around the K-Mart parking lot all morning dragging a stolen mannequin behind him

  2. Casual nuzzling and facial rubbing, lips just an inch apart, with a much younger opposite gender acquaintance is perfectly acceptable in our culture, right?…..As if that wasn’t sheer pervage by good-natured Joe. (She has the most classic pain-smile that I have ever seen, btw). Would he do that to a young man or one of his buddies? Clearly not. Would she tolerate that from anyone outside of a world leader? No. This was so far out of line. I can’t believe this shell of a human being is one full force Mooch backhand away from being the world leader.

  3. Just think babe.
    With me, you don’t have to carry you bathtub into an open field by yourself so we can hold hands. That’s what the Secret Service are for.
    Plug into excitement and dream!!!

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